
Iceboy Trolley

HK$46,350 from Zzue Creation

- zzuecreati­on.com

Iceboy combines a stylish piece of furniture with a mobile bar for the best of both worlds. Slide open the wood top to reveal the lidded icebox and extend the countertop space for maximised canape displays. The recessed side of the trolley offers space for storing glasses, with ample space for bottles and snacks. Iceboy由時尚家­具及流動小水吧組成,堪稱兩全其美,推開木製頂部是有蓋的­小雪櫃,檯面空間亦因此得到延­伸,可擺放更多精美小點心。酒吧車邊位的隱藏設計­可存放酒杯,亦有足夠空間擺放飲料­與零食。

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