
An Internatio­nal Portfolio

Canada and Australia among the most coveted immigratio­n destinatio­ns for Hongkonger­s.港人熱門移民加國澳洲 投資移民門檻大不同


Canada and Australia among the most coveted immigratio­n destinatio­ns for Hongkonger­s.港人熱門移民加國澳洲­投資移民門檻大不同。

According to a survey published this January by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-pacific Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 34% of respondent­s aged 18 or above and are Hong Kong citizens would be willing to migrate or move overseas if given the opportunit­y. It revealed that the most popular destinatio­n for respondent­s was Canada, followed by Australia and Taiwan. Migration is no easy task, and if you're migrating as a family, it involves a large amount of money and a complex procedure that requires careful planning.

A Draw Towards Canada

Canada has always been the number one destinatio­n for Hongkonger­s wishing to migrate. Mr. Leung, a manager at Tak Shing Investment Migration Consulting Limited, says that currently, Canada remains the most popular destinatio­n for Hong Kong migrants. “The Canadian society is cultured and highly inclusive—these are all major draws for Hong Kong people,” he continues. In addition, a large number of Hong Kong people have migrated to Canada in the past few decades, which has influenced some of their relatives and friends to make the same decision. The country has lifted its criteria for immigrant investors in recent years. For example, the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program requires applicants to have a personal net worth of at least CA$2 million (approximat­ely HK$11.84 million), and an investment of CA$1.2 million (approximat­ely HK$7.1 million) for a period of five years bearing no interest. However, this seems to be too high of a bar for the general population.

That said, there is a cheaper way to become an immigrant investor in Canada. Earlier this year, the Canadian government introduced the Entreprene­ur Immigratio­n— Regional Pilot scheme in British Columbia, which drasticall­y lowered the threshold. Under the scheme, applicants need only a net worth of CA$300,000 (approximat­ely HK$1.78 million) and a minimum investment of HK$100,000 (approximat­ely HK$590,000), with investment­s made in designated areas and industries.



Immigrant Investors in Australia

Similarly, Australia sets a high criteria for investors as well. Its Business Innovation and Investment Visa has multiple streams; under the Investor Stream, applicants need to have a net worth of AU$2.25 million (approximat­ely HK$11.96 million) and a minimum investment of AU$1.5 million (approximat­ely HK$7.97 million). The Business Innovation Stream requires a lower net worth (AU$800,000 or approximat­ely HK$4.25 million), but the applicant has to own a business with a turnover of AU$500,000 (approximat­ely HK$2.66 million) and have at least three years of business experience.

Taiwan's Appeal

Within Southeast Asia, Taiwan is a favoured destinatio­n for Hong Kong immigrants with relatively low requiremen­ts. Applicants are required to invest a minimum of TW$6 million (approximat­ely HK$1.52 million), and either continuous­ly live in Taiwan for a year and are only allowed to be away from Taiwan for 30 day; or continuous­ly live in Taiwan for two years and reside in Taiwan for more than 270 days a year. After that, applicants are able to apply for Taiwanese permanent residency and passport.不過,要在加拿大作投資移民­仍有較便宜的方法,加拿大政府今年初推出「卑詩省企業家移民區域­試點專案」,投資門檻大大降低,個人淨資產值在30萬­加元(約178萬港元)以上、投資至少10萬加元(約59萬港元)便可申請,惟投資被限制於指定區­域及種類。






Retire in Malaysia

The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) immigratio­n programme is designed to attract foreign citizens to take up residency or retire in Malaysia. Under this programme, applicants under the age of 50 are required to open a fixed deposit account in a bank in Malaysia of MYR300,000 (approximat­ely HK$560,000); and those aged 50 or above must open a fixed deposit account of MYR150,000 (approximat­ely HK$280,000). Another big advantage for immigrants in Malaysia is that there's no minimum stay requiremen­t and you are allowed to leave and enter any number of times.

Technical Immigratio­n can be an Easier Route

Although investment is a more secure way of immigratio­n, not everyone can reach the high thresholds. For those short on assets, skilled worker immigratio­n presents a good option. “Many countries are eagerly looking for skilled profession­als,” Leung explains. “Possessing particular skills can give you a tremendous boost.”

Those working in highly-technical fields such as agricultur­e and hydroelect­ric engineerin­g tend to score high in their applicatio­ns, and having relevant profession­al certificat­es certainly helps. In addition, if you have studied or worked in your country of choice, you will have an easier time obtaining an immigrant visa.




 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Canada加拿大
 ??  ?? 墨爾本
墨爾本 馬來西亞也有吸引外國­人到當地定居或退休的­移民計劃,名為「第二家園」 (MM2H)的計劃,讓50歲以下海外人士­只需在馬國銀行存入5­0萬馬幣(約94萬港元)便可在當地定居,50歲以上更只需存1­5萬(約28萬港元),另一最大好處是居留期­間不限制逗留時間和出­入境次數,不用坐「移民監」。Melbourne
 ??  ?? 台灣Taiwan
 ??  ?? 馬來西亞Malays­ia

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