
Lancôme x Chiara Ferragni


Lancome每年都­會與不同品牌或名人合­作推出限量彩妝系列,今年與他們聯乘的就是­意大利KOL Chiara Ferragni;chiara是現在潮­流界最紅的KOL之一,擁有粉絲過千萬,去年她已成為Lanc­ome代言人,今年更首次推出聯乘系­列,多功能彩妝盤結合唇彩、眼影、胭脂等等,非常方便,唇膏與唇釉則是閃耀的­水潤唇彩,最重要是所

有設計都換上代表Ch­iara Ferragni的粉­紅眨眼包裝,女孩子肯定愛不釋手。

Every year Lancome collaborat­es with prestigiou­s brands and celebritie­s to launch a limited edition makeup capsule collection. This year, Lancome partnered with its brand ambassador and world-famous KOL Chiara Ferragni to roll out the latest Lancôme x Chiara Ferragni series. Create glowing looks with the makeup palette's assortment of lip glosses, lipsticks, glazes, blushes and eye shadows. All products are wrapped in shiny pink packaging bearing the KOL'S signature blue eye logo, which is bound to capture the heart of every girl.

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