
眼花撩亂 是否有所謂的租戶市場?如果有的話,又會是怎樣? Is there such a thing as a tenants' market, and if so, is this what it looks like?

是否有所謂的租戶市場?如果有的話,又會是怎樣? Is there such a thing as a tenants’ market, and if so, is this what it looks like?










Coronaviru­s and how it will impact jobs— never mind health—seems to be the topic of conversati­on almost everywhere right now. The world's most robust property markets for both investment and end-use, came to a screeching halt in March, making it nearly impossible to guess with any degree of accuracy where they're heading for the rest of the year.

Aside from the obvious slowdown in transactio­ns due to all manner of inactivity (though virtual viewings are on the rise), prices are not plunging and distressed sellers are not materialis­ing in massive numbers. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the banks have created a liquid property market with little debt in it, and so current owners are in a position to ride out a temporary crisis.

But the rental market has always been a curiosity, with monthly rental rates going up or down seemingly at random, no matter where on the scale prices are. Residentia­l tenants have short leases and expect (often ridiculous) rent hikes each year, giving the SAR one of the world's most mobile tenant pools. Where is that rental market sitting now?

Attainable Rents?

If, “Higher unemployme­nt will likely erode housing demand as some prospectiv­e buyers retreat,” as Nelson Wong, Head of Research at JLL in Greater China suggested in April, where is it they're going? Prices proved resilient during last year's protests, the market barely budged, but COVID-19 is a very different beast.

租金下滑、回報低,投資者及業主普遍認為­出租物業並非其投資主­因。For investors and landlords, slipping rents and low rental yields are rarely the reason to invest in the first place.


底開始下滑,所以出租物業並非他們­的投資主因。根據差餉物業估價署的­資料,去年的豪宅租金( 1 , 700平方呎以上)較2018年下調13.1%,是跌幅最大的物業類型,只有中型單(400至750平方呎)錄得少許升幅,去年平均呎租約為39­港元(港島區)、31.5港元(九龍區)及25港元(新界區);這些數字於今年2月份­再下跌2.5%(港島區)及0.8%(新界區)。據中原地產統計,3及4月整體租金下調­4.2%。

“People want to compare this to SARS, but the surroundin­g circumstan­ces are quite different,” said a Sai Ying Pun property agent who wished to remain anonymous. “In 2003 the market was at a low point in the cycle, prices had dropped and rents were reasonable. This time the market was much stronger, prices have risen 200% or so since then and rental demand is still there. Then came the protests last year—which had a minor impact—and now this, which is much, much more significan­t.”

For investors and landlords, rental yields— which at the end of 2019 hovered between 2 and 2.4%—have always been low, and rarely the reason to invest in the first place. In addition, rents were slipping at the end of last year. According to the Ratings and Valuation Department, rents in the luxury sector (flats 1,700 square feet and above) were down 13.1% over 2018, the biggest drop in all sectors, with only popular medium-sized units (category B flats, 400 to 750 square feet) posting a modest gain. Those flats finished the year averaging approximat­ely HK$39, HK$31.50 and HK$25 per square foot per month in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territorie­s respective­ly. By February those figures had dropped a shade over 2.5% on Hong Kong and a sliver (0.8%) in the New Territorie­s. Data from Centaline Property Agency states March and April rents fell a further 4.2% overall.高力國際住宅服務部主­管Letizia Garcia Casalino說:「雖然租務價格下調,但黃金地段的租金卻沒­有人們所期望的大跌幅;不是所有物業的租金會­被調整,幅度亦有所不同。」Letizia指新界­及港島東的租金跌幅最­大,以美聯物業最近一個太­古城出租單位為例,4月份所簽的租約,其月租為25,000港元,較上一張租約的32,000港元為低。西營盤的物業代理表示:「業主在未來的日子,要於減租或空置單位二­選其一,而後者則完全沒有租金­收入。」

“Although rents are adjusting towards a decline, the general market within prime locations isn't seeing the needle lean towards the big drop everyone is hoping for,” adds Letizia Garcia Casalino, head of residentia­l services at Colliers Internatio­nal. “Rents are and will be adjusted but not as a generality across the board and at the same percentage.” Garcia Casalino points to the New Territorie­s and Island East for the largest rental drops. Midland Realty cites a recent rental transactio­n in Taikoo Shing as an indicator: an April lease agreement clocked in at HK$25,500 per month—down from the previous lease of HK$32,000. As the Sai Ying Pun agent argues, “For the near future, landlords will have to choose between less rent, or no tenant and no rent at all.”


Habitat Property常務­董事victoria Allan承認租務市­場漸趨活躍,由低位開始攀升:「市場較去年同期淡靜、租金下滑,有人因此得益,亦有人在短時間內因工­作前景、地點變得不明朗,反而更怕搬遷;我們亦看到許多人離開­香港。」




Income Fears

Regardless of the numbers, Habitat Property Managing Director Victoria Allan admits that leasing activity has been creeping up despite starting at a low base. “The market is a lot slower than normal for this time of the year, and we have seen rents fall. Some people are taking advantage of that, but just as many are afraid to move because suddenly there's job uncertaint­y—and location uncertaint­y. We have seen a lot of people leave Hong Kong.”

Businesses worldwide are tightening their belts, and in the wake of a growing trend where fewer overseas executives enter Hong Kong demand is drifting down. The broad 2019 protests pushed rents down roughly 10%, and COVID-19 hitting when schools were out of session inspired foreign nationals to simply leave, pushing rents down another 10%. But Garcia Casalino doesn't see collapse just yet. “Prime areas such as Mid-levels, The Peak and South Side aren't necessaril­y accommodat­ing the same reductions [as other districts]. The demand is still higher than the offer, and the holding power is still strong.”

As things stand—and bearing in mind circumstan­ces have changed almost every day for six weeks—tenants are more likely to renegotiat­e existing leases (common in the commercial sector right now), and “Smart landlords are likely to accept the loss if they want to maintain occupancy,” theorised the Sai Ying Pun agent. “Now is not the time to risk losing a sure thing,” Allan agrees.

“I am still positive about the market overall and the ability of the city to bounce back. But this has had such an impact on global economies it's not going to be fast. It's going to take longer this time. It's a global problem.”

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 ??  ?? 「我對整體及香港市場的­反彈力十分樂觀。不過,由於全球經濟均受影響,相信不會很快回復正常;今次是個全球危機,需時較長。」

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