
家居換新裝 擊退家中過敏原Cha­nging Up Furnishing­s: How to Battle Against Hay Fever at Home

- 室內設計師薩凡納藝術­設計大學校友Bern­ardo Coronado-guerra Interior Designer, alumnus of SCAD



消滅塵 ,由清潔做起。打掃家居所有表面及物­品,清除塵埃。同時,使用籃子把物件分類,避免堆積雜物,物品及其新舊擺放位置­要徹底清潔;可利用筆筒、儲物藤籃及裝飾紙盒分­類,條理分明、一目了然。


不少人愛鋪地毯裝飾,但地毯是過敏原的匿藏­地點,隨年月過去,成為塵 、寵物毛髮及其他過敏原­滋生的溫床。建議移除厚地毯,以小地毯點綴家居,亦有助吸音,只要定期吸塵及配用專­用清潔劑便可。


軟墊與床褥容易滋生塵 ,引起過敏原,因此需要定時更換與清­洗(床褥應每六個月翻轉一­次)。亦要預備兩套攬枕、靠枕、抱枕及枕套等輪流使用,除了方便清潔,還令家居煥然一新,毋須一擲千金換新裝。











It is that time of year when hay fever comes along and makes many of us aware of our allergies. Although many may not be going out as much as usual, given the health and safety concerns of the moment, we are always exposed to it, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Here are some tips to help manage your home to prevent allergies.

Spring Cleaning

Whether it's allergy season or not, always wipe surfaces. The current precaution­s might be extreme, but sometimes necessary. Make sure to remove footwear upon entering, and wash your hands and wipe down things you took out with you like phones and keys.

Dust all surfaces and objects and clean them to remove the dust and not just move it around— remember to always wipe down kitchen and bathroom surfaces too. Get baskets to avoid clutter; purge and clean the objects themselves as well as the surfaces they were on and the place where you will place them next. Use pencil holders, wicker organisers and decorative cardboard boxes to help you organise things in categories. It will make things easier to find and a pleasure to look at.

Get Rid of Carpets and Vacuum Rugs

With permission from your landlord, get rid of any carpeted surfaces if possible. Most of the time, beautiful tile or hardwood floors hide behind these allergen-trapping carpets. These, over the years, gather and become infested with dust mites, pet hair and other allergens. However, of course, we always need decorative rugs that also help with sound control so vacuum and shampoo these frequently.

Soft Goods

Try having two sets of throws, decorative pillows, pillows and covers. Wash these on a regular basis, as cushions and mattresses (flip these every six months) usually accumulate bed mites, which increase allergies. By alternatin­g these while the other set washes and dries, you give a fresh and newer look to your home. These are the simple touches that won't break the bank.

Window Coverings

When it comes to choosing curtains and blinds opt for washable curtains, preferably cotton. Avoid and replace blinds with washable rolling shades.

Pet Hair and Dander

Of course, our furry friends are part of the family, so make sure to bathe them regularly and brush their hair to eliminate dander and excessive shedding.


If you are selecting new furniture, go for smooth surfaces that are easier to clean. Wood, metal, leather and plastic are easy alternativ­es, but also make sure that they match your aesthetic.

Air Filtration

Get yourself an air purifier for the bedroom, with a small-particle or HEPA filter, or that utilises ions or UV to eliminate dust, smoke, odours, allergens, mold spores and pet dander.

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