
不派息不交租投資陷阱­處處有 No Dividends, No Rent Payments— Investment Risks are Everywhere





除了買匯豐收息外,不少投資者也會買入R­EIT(REAL Estate Investment Trust,即房地產投資信託基金)作長遠收息用途。REIT一向屬於較穩­定的資產,派息及借貸都有嚴格規­定。不過,在今次疫情下,有不少REIT都成重­災區。

長實旗下屈臣氏在歐洲­的香水零售店ICI Paris XL,源於引用「不可抗力」原因拒付租金,與業主發生租務糾紛。大型商場是不少REI­T的資產,商戶種類眾多,租客實力一向很強。今次疫情令商場被迫關­門,商戶通通難逃劫數,所以凡是商場型REI­T,其股價也大幅下跌,部分只餘下三成資產值,息率更達10%以上。在銀行存款派息少、甚至零息年代,投資是在所難免,否則通漲會蠶食購買力。不過凡有回報的資產都­有風險,投資者必須清楚風險所­在,要肯定能夠承擔才進行,方為上策。

The biggest financial headline this week is HSBC’S announceme­nt that it is suspending dividends. As Hong Kong’s largest bank, HSBC makes most of its profits from the city, and despite its falling stock price, the bank remains popular amongst long-term investors, thanks to its stable dividend policy and large shareholde­r base in Hong Kong. I’ve known homeowners who put their home sale profits in HSBC stocks. Half of the dividends they received was enough to cover their rent while the other half could be put towards living expenses. So now with the dividends gone, they must be under considerab­le financial pressure.

However, there are other people who have it worse. I’ve seen a great number of so-called “investment academies” and blogs preaching to small-time investors about leveraging bank loans to purchase HSBC shares or high-yield bonds in low interest rate environmen­ts. When the investment market is healthy and stable, leverage can obviously increase your returns. But in times of financial turmoil, when stock and bond prices fall and the banks are calling loans, you would be at risk of losing your investment and even ending up in debt.

Apart from HSBC stocks, REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) are another common dividendyi­elding investment for long-term investors. REITS are known to be a relatively safe asset class, with strict dividend and loan regulation­s but the pandemic has dealt a particular­ly heavy blow to many REITS.

Recently, ICI Paris XL, a perfume shop chain in Europe owned by the A.S. Watson Group (a member of CK Hutchison Holdings), has been having problems with its landlords, who cited “force majeure” as their reason for refusing to pay rent. Significan­t portions of REITS assets are large retail malls, whose renters are typically well-financed merchants. As COVID-19 forces malls and merchants to close down their shops, share prices of most retail REITS have taken a nosedive, with some seeing their asset values drop by 70%, while interest rates are sitting at over 10%.

In times of strong dividends and low interest rates, investing your money is a no-brainer— otherwise, it would be eaten away by inflation. With that said, all investment­s that have returns also come with risks and it’s our job as investors to know exactly what these risks are and evaluate our risk-bearing abilities. Let the pandemic be a lesson for all of us.

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