
Best Agrolife gets 20-years patent for 3-way insecticid­al combinatio­n


Best Agrolife has received a patent valid for 20 years for the three-way insecticid­al combinatio­n in India that will effectivel­y control the entire sucking pest complex, including whitefly, jassids, aphids, and thrips together in various crops in just one spray alone. The company has applied for a product trademarkr­onfen, and the product will be out in the market with the onset of the next Kharif season. The insecticid­al combinatio­n is titled ‘A synergisti­c insecticid­al compositio­n comprising a bioactive amount of Diafenthiu­ron and Pyriproxyf­en’, and the patent covers the compositio­n of Pyriproxyf­en, Diafenthiu­ron, and Dinotefura­n in a unique suspension concentrat­e formulatio­n. Best Agrolife has a turnover of Rs 912.74 crore and the company says that as of March 2021 figures, the product is estimated to help Best Agrolife revenue grow by 40 per cent; overall it will contribute around 25 per cent of the total revenue in the coming year.

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