Akram Youth (English)

Adjust Everywhere


Digest Just One Phrase!

Questioner: Now, I want a straight forward path to peace in life. Dadashri: Will you assimilate just one phrase into your life, properly and exactly?

Questioner: Yes, exactly.

Dadashri: If you simply assimilate the phrase ‘Adjust Everywhere’ in your life, then that is more than enough. Peace will arise automatica­lly for you. At first, for the first six months or so, you will experience difficulti­es; then, automatica­lly, it will become peaceful. For the first six months, reactions from the past will arise, because you started late. Therefore, adjust everywhere. If you do not adjust in this terrible time cycle, Kaliyug, you will be ruined.

There is no problem if you do not know how to do anything else in worldly life, but you must know how to adjust. You will sail through in life if you adjust with anyone who disadjusts with you. A person who knows how to adapt to others will not have any pain at all. Adjust everywhere. Adjustment with each and every person is the highest dharma. There are various personalit­y traits (prakruti) in this time cycle, so how will you manage without adjusting?

Avoid Clashes By Recognizin­g Different Prakrutis Dadashri: Now, human beings are just humans, but you do not know how to recognize them. There may be fifty people in the home, but, because you do not know how to recognize them, interferen­ce continues to happen. Should you not recognize them? If a person in the house continues to nag, then that is indeed his nature. Therefore, once and for all, you should understand that this person is like this. Are you able to recognize for sure that this person is just like this? Then, is there actually a need to inquire again? Once you recognize it, you no longer have to inquire further.

Dadashri: Some people have a habit of sleeping late, and some people have the habit of going to bed early, so how can the two get along? Now, they all live together as a family, so what is bound to happen then? There would be one person in the home who would say, “You do not have much sense.” So, you should recognize that, “He is indeed going to talk this way.” Hence, you should adjust. Instead, if you were to answer him back, then you would become tired. That is because he ‘collided’ with you, but if you also collide with him, then it simply proves that you do not have eyes either! What I am saying is that you should understand the science of prakruti. However, the Self is a different matter.

‘We’ are familiar with each and every prakruti. ‘We’ recognize it immediatel­y. Therefore, ‘we’ interact with people according to their prakruti. If you seek ‘friendship’ with the sun at twelve in the afternoon, then what would happen? Similarly, if you recognize that this is [the heat of the] summer sun while this is [the heat of the] winter sun, then would you have a problem?

‘We’ recognize prakruti, so even if you are looking to conflict, ‘we’ will not let you conflict; ‘we’ would move away. Otherwise, we would both get into an accident, and both our spare parts would break. If the other persons ‘bumper’ breaks, then what would be the state of the one sitting inside? The condition of the one seated within completely flattens, doesn’t it? Therefore, recognize the prakruti. You should recognize the prakruti of everyone at home.

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