Akram Youth (English)

Gnani With Youth


Questioner: Pujyashree, Dadashri has said in an Aptavani, “Every person needs security. If they do not get it from their parents, they search for it from outside. So, it is good if they get it from home”. What is Dadashri saying here? If parent’s security is important, how can we get out of that?

Pujyashree: Our elders have said that a girl should remain submissive to her parents at a younger age. After growing up, she should remain submissive to her husband, and after that, in old age, she should remain submissive to her son. That is one type of cultural value. Parents always take care of their daughters. They protect her, save her and take care of her very much. They raise her and give her a lot of cultural values. However, due to karmic accounts, sometimes clashes occur. Because of that, you should not reject your parents. And, the importance of parent’s security is so great that you should never misuse

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