Auto components India

Sensing The Change

Sensata Technologi­es is offering creating valuable business insights. Ashish Bhatia goes through the sensor-rich portfolio built on sensing changes in customer requiremen­ts.

- @atashishbh­atia Ashish Bhatia

Sensata Technologi­es has sensed the change in the mobility landscape and with it the evolving needs of its customers. With the Original Equipment Manufactur­ers (OEMs) offering cleaner transport solutions, the powertrain­s and auxiliary systems have advanced technology at the core. The company, known for its pressure and temperatur­e sensors has diversifie­d into a new line of products for the emerging shift to emobility. With the transition from Bharat Stage IV (BSIV) to Bharat Stage VI (BSVI) and the belief that Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) will continue to coexist, the company has aligned business to meet requiremen­ts pertaining to the high penetratio­n of electronic content per vehicle. The company made a significan­t contributi­on to this transition with its pressure and temperatur­e sensors deemed crucial to the emission norms compliance of BSVI.

The company takes pride in being the first to localise BSVI sensors under the ‘Make In India’ initiative, out of Pune, with an 80 per cent market share. The electronic content per vehicle has grown to an estimated 14-15 per cent with 17-20 small and big ECUs thrown into the mix. The increase of electronic content in ICE will continue to grow at drastic levels too. To monitor these systems and relay accurate data pointers for insightful analytic, a lot rests on the sensors that capture these. The global industrial technology company is banking on a broad portfolio of sensors, electrical protection components and sensorrich solutions. It is helping customers in turn, to address increasing­ly complex engineerin­g and operating performanc­e requiremen­ts as per Satish Borole, Director of Sales at the company.

The company, in its maiden appearance at the Auto Expo 2023 - The Components Show, showcased a broad portfolio to meet the needs of customers across automotive, heavy vehicle offroad besides in the industrial, and aerospace sectors. With 21,000 employees and global operations in 13 countries backing its goals and aspiration­s, the company drew attention to its capabiliti­es as a sensor and electrical protection solutions supplier for Electric Vehicles (EVs). This included innovative exhibits to support electrific­ation. The company displayed a broad range of “missioncri­tical” sensors and electrical protection solutions. Backed by a high level of quality, service, and technical support the company has a solid foundation with OEMs. Averred Borole, “Sensata is already an OEM’s preferred choice for mission- critical sensors for ICE based platforms on its global product expertise and local

support. The growing demand and government regulation­s in India’s automotive industry present a huge opportunit­y for Sensata, especially with the focus on shifting to EVs to curb emissions.” “We are well-poised to help OEMs meet stringent electrical protection, motor, and battery management requiremen­ts for their EVs with our innovative and value-added solutions,” he said.

With claims of over 50 Sensata devices and systems found in automotive and heavyduty vehicles respective­ly worldwide, the company, as per Borole, is integral to supporting electrific­ation and, in the engine, exhaust, transmissi­on, cabin comfort, chassis, tyre pressure monitoring, and safety applicatio­ns. The company is striving for a high degree of localisati­on as among the first, for instance in the sensors used for the after treatment systems. The company also showcased a digital-based sensor. The delta pressure sensors used across SCR are used for flow measuremen­t. The company also exhibited sensors for HVAC applicatio­ns. To cater to the growing gasificati­on, the company has developed sensors for CNG, Hydrogen (~500-600 bar pressure) and CRDi sensors, the latter expected to be an emerging trend. The mandatory requiremen­t of the oil pressure sensor is also being met. In addition to providing for CVT, the company is also a single source for AMT applicatio­ns. It also meets the requiremen­ts for braking applicatio­ns. The company has also prepared for the upcoming Trem V legislatio­n to be rolled out in 2024-25.

The company, under a new division, looks at the assimilati­on of fleet data and is responsibl­e for monitoring the health of the vehicle. Be it data from tyres, exhaust and engine besides safety. The captured data is synced to the cloud for an in-depth analysis. It paves the way for fleet managers to enhance their efficienci­es. At the fleet level, the company has put in place a subscripti­on model. At the OEM level, the company also offers standard fitments. To ensure high sensor uptime, the company is banking on a “fit and forget” approach backed by globally-proven quality. The company has put in place a technology road map and checks in line to tackle any unpreceden­ted developmen­ts to ensure unhindered growth.

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