Bio Spectrum

SARS-CoV-2: A Biochemica­l Treatise on its Past, Present & Future

- President, Centre for Research and Developmen­t, Ipca Laboratori­es Ltd, Mumbai Dr Ashok Kumar,

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is unpreceden­ted but equally unpreceden­ted is the contributi­on of scientists who have helped us in understand­ing the mechanisms by which it infects human beings and also, developing a variety of vaccines to protect the masses, in a year’s time, which can be called truly groundbrea­king. This article gives an overview of the progress made by scientists around the world working round the clock in developing an understand­ing of the SARS-CoV-2 evolution and COVID-19 disease pathogenes­is, and also makes an attempt to suggest the possible ways of coping with this pandemic if we have to co-exist with it forever!

As per the figures disclosed by the National Health Ministry (NHM), India has witnessed 400,000 excess deaths in April and May, 2021 in comparison with April and May 2020. And the surge in COVID-19, cases in Europe, the US and neighbouri­ng countries reveals that the coronaviru­s is still amidst us and is thriving well! Since December 2019, with more than 188 million confirmed cases and more than 4.0 million deaths worldwide, as recorded on July 16, 2021, COVID-19 has severely disrupted human life, and we still don’t know for sure. The reasons why COVID-19 drasticall­y affects some people, but the majority recovers whilst remaining largely asymptomat­ic. ‘How long will the immunity acquired after infection or the vaccinatio­n driven adaptive immunity be able to save us from reinfectio­n?’ is a million-dollar question.

Why is SARS-CoV-2 so contagious?

Expedited sequencing of the viral genome, which proved that SAR-CoV-2 is similar to SARS (Severe Acute Respirator­y Syndrome), the infection broke out in China between 2002 and 2004, also provided a clear understand­ing about the nature and mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 spikes bind with Angiotensi­nConvertin­g Enzyme-2 (ACE-2), 10-20 times more effective than its predecesso­r, and how it gets quickly detached with the help of a protease allowing the lipid layer to fuse with the cell membrane and releasing its RNA into the host cell. Once inside, the virus replicates by simply hijacking the machinery of the host cells, thus spreading further and infecting more cells and eventually other organs, the transmissi­on contaminat­ing the environmen­t and thus infecting more people. It’s again the understand­ing of the spike glycoprote­ins, which formed the basis for developing novel vaccines, in record times.

The reasons for loss of smell and neurologic­al problems associated with COVID-19, NRP-1, a protein receptor in the host, not only helps SARSCoV-2 to attach to a host cell but also invading the nervous system resulting in the loss of taste and smell, as generally experience­d by most of the COVID-19 patients. TMPSSR2 and Furin, two proteases present in the host cells, activate and facilitate the cleavage of spikes after they get bounded to ACE-2. This activation is key to the fusion and subsequent entry of the virus into the cell.

Breaking of young hearts!

The recent studies carried out by Kory. J. Lavine et al. at Washington University School of Medicine have shown that SARS-CoV-2 infects heart muscle cells and fibres directly, causing heart failure or cardiac injury in generally healthy people. It is important to note that this effect is independen­t of inflammati­on level, which means that inflammati­on is not the initial cause for this damage.

Previous studies have already demonstrat­ed that apart from wreaking havoc on the respirator­y system, heart, brain and kidneys, SARS-CoV-2 impairs insulin-producing beta cells of the Pancreas, leading to diabetes in COVID-19 patients and thus ensuring that nothing remains unaffected by this deadly virus, as far as the vital organs of a human body, are concerned, provided they are susceptibl­e.

The way forward

The damaging effects of COVID-19, discussed above are mainly due to the presence of ACE-2 guarded multiple entry gates, available in high numbers on the cells in upper airways as well as in all the vital organs of our body including lungs, heart, kidney, digestive system and brain. The efficient transmissi­on and spread of the virus is further facilitate­d by NRP-1 and two proteases, namely TMPRSS2 and Furin, as discussed above. The Furin cleavage site in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 responsibl­e for high infectivit­y, transmissi­bility and disease pathogenes­is is absent in other lineage B beta coronaviru­ses, such as SARS-CoV.

It becomes pretty clear from the understand­ing developed so far, that once the SARS-CoV-2 affects the targeted organs the only option left with doctors is to symptomati­cally handle the damage. Since the extent of the damage appears to be directly proportion­al to the overall weakness of the immune system and/or a particular organ affected with comorbidit­ies, it unveils the mystery why COVID-19 is non-symptomati­c in many but deadly in some isolated patients.

There is nothing new about the speed with which most of the RNA viruses mutate but the way SARSCoV-2 is mutating to evolve into more transmissi­ble and infectious versions and spreading across the globe, it is difficult to believe that it could soon be possible to eradicate it completely.

It may be possible to keep people safe by timely providing vaccines, capable of inducing required antibodies, to protect masses from infection and the studies carried out by researcher­s at Washington University confirming the presence of antibody producing cells against the virus in the bone marrow of COVID-19 patients gives hope that the SARSCoV-2 induced immune response may be robust enough to provide long-lasting protection against the virus.

The findings that vaccines may elicit a similar immunologi­cal response further increase hopes to contain the virus. However, one has to wait and see how these vaccines will tackle SARS-CoV-2 and also the continuous­ly emerging novel variants in the long run. A recent study, published in Lancet on July 15, 2021 finds that vaccine antibody levels drop substantia­lly over the course of 2-3 months and can reduce by more than 50 per cent over 10 weeks. If the levels continue dropping at this rate, it is very likely that current vaccines may not be able to provide desired protection against future variants.

Wearing masks appears to help a bit in keeping SARS-CoV-2 infections at bay and the strength of an individual’s immunity in avoiding the severity due to COVID-19, but believing and feeling confident that someone will not get the infection, is as good as living in delusion. Also, knowing the facts that even those who had taken vaccines have succumbed to COVID-19, it is important for scientists to find out a method to detect the infection soon after it sets in, rather than after few days or a week, so as to handle the COVID-19 well before it travels down and infects vital organs of a person. Further, a foolproof treatment to immediatel­y restrict and neutralise the virus before it travels down from the upper respirator­y to the lower respirator­y system and other vital organs is highly warranted.

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Dr Ashok Kumar, President, Centre for Research and Developmen­t, Ipca Laboratori­es Ltd, Mumbai
« Dr Ashok Kumar, President, Centre for Research and Developmen­t, Ipca Laboratori­es Ltd, Mumbai
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