Bio Spectrum

Study suggests Indomethac­in highly effective in treating COVID-19 infection


Indomethac­in, a nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drug, is shown to be highly efficient in treating the COVID-19 infection as per a study conducted by MIOT Hospitals in Chennai and IIT Madras in India. The first trial done during the first wave had 144 RT-PCR positive patients statistica­lly matched in two arms, one treated with indomethac­in and standard care and the other with paracetamo­l and standard care. The second carried out in the second wave was a randomised control trial with 210 RT-PCR-positive COVID-19 patients. They were allotted to two arms, as above, based on block randomisat­ion; 103 and 107 patients were in the indomethac­in and paracetamo­l arms, respective­ly. The primary endpoint was the developmen­t of hypoxia/ desaturati­on with SpO2 ≤ 93, while fever reduction and cough and body pain resolution were the secondary endpoints.

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