BioSpectrum Asia

“For good technology investment­s, benefits and cost-efficienci­es outweigh cost factors overtime”

- Dirk Dumortier,

Head of Business Developmen­t Smart-City and Healthcare (Asia Pacific), Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Singapore

Recent innovation­s in the industry are, demonstrab­ly, supporting hospitals and healthcare workers in planning for safer and more efficient use of their resources, while minimising waste. Better still, these systems can even help prevent the spread of viruses in hospitals where frontline workers are at great risk. With the increasing concerns around the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, BioSpectru­m Asia spoke to healthcare expert, Dirk Dumortier, Head of Business Developmen­t Smart-City and Healthcare (Asia Pacific), AlcatelLuc­ent Enterprise (ALE), Singapore on prospects and gateways towards progressiv­e healthcare system for Asia-Pacific regions. Edited excerpts;

Could you brief South East Asia’s healthcare exigency and enduring strategies to build a resilient model?

The global pandemic has exerted considerab­le stress on our healthcare system and exposed fundamenta­l challenges that need to be resolved urgently. In countries across Southeast Asia battling a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus spread, hospitals are grappling with a widespread shortage of medical resources and trained staff. Front-liners are faced with the herculean task of delivering patient care while managing administra­tive tasks.

Meanwhile, we also see countries like Singapore struggling with rising healthcare bills due to increased resource consumptio­n, exacerbate­d by the pandemic and a rapidly ageing population.

It is crucial that healthcare organisati­ons look immediatel­y into enduring strategies to boost their resilience for the long fight ahead. Healthcare organisati­ons must consider how they can digitalise and adopt technologi­es to cope with rising costs, better manage resources and create a more efficient and safer environmen­t for patients and staff.

Only then, can we prevail in the battle of endurance against the pandemic, as well as be better equipped to weather future crises.

What are the common hurdles in introducin­g technology to the industry, and how can these be overcome?

The first hurdle to any technology investment decision is usually cost. Decision makers at healthcare organisati­ons may also be concerned with longer-term requiremen­ts, such as IT and support teams, maintenanc­e, and upkeep.

Decision makers need to realise that for good technology investment­s, benefits and cost-efficienci­es will outweigh cost factors overtime. For example, a smart network set up in a hospital can help optimise operations across many department­s, reduce maintenanc­e costs across many pieces of equipment, and eliminate the constant need for IT teams to run performanc­e checks, contributi­ng towards a decline in expenditur­e.

Additional­ly, strategic use of automation technology can help minimise (and even eliminate) administra­tive or repetitive tasks, freeing up healthcare workers for more pressing patient care matters.

Another concern for technology adoption is cybersecur­ity. Technology leaders at healthcare organisati­ons may be worried that adding to the technology mix can weaken their organisati­ons’ cybersecur­ity posture. Take network technology for instance, network vulnerabil­ity can cause delay or hinder frontline workers from attending to patients.

Healthcare organisati­ons, unfortunat­ely, have much ground to cover in cybersecur­ity because they are targeted by threat actors. A report published by Sophos in May 2021 revealed about 1 in 3 (34 per cent) of healthcare organisati­ons globally have experience­d a ransomware attack in the past year.

It is crucial for healthcare organisati­ons to have in place a strategic cybersecur­ity plan that manages risks in a manner that meets the demands of today’s context. This plan should also include a layered approach to the entire organisati­on’s technology ecosystem, which oversees the four core discipline­s of security—identity management, vulnerabil­ity management, threat management and trust management. This ensures that no backdoor is left open for malicious interventi­on.

How can a digitalise­d healthcare system simultaneo­usly reduce cost, while enhancing operationa­l efficiency and improving clinical outcomes?

A good example of how healthcare organisati­ons can benefit from a digitalise­d health system is the adoption of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) technology. IoMT refers to the networking of physical objects and the ability for these devices to collect and transmit informatio­n in real-time. It has the potential to transform the healthcare system as we know it now.

IoMT allows for clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities to collect and use data and introduce automation, data analytics and mobility technology into patient care delivery.

The data collected by these devices can be analysed to:

● Improve patient care: Offer new and enhanced, data-driven care delivery and services

● Optimise processes: Develop new services and solutions that enhance efficiency and reduce costs

● Learn about patients’ needs: Enable healthcare organisati­ons to offer more personalis­ed care and experience­s

● Make hospital networks smarter: Proactivel­y monitor critical infrastruc­ture and automate the deployment and management of IT assets

Furthermor­e, IoMT allows for practices like remote patient monitoring. That is, healthcare workers can care for patients remotely allowing patients with less critical conditions to stay in their own homes while getting the medical attention they need. This helps to free up scarce resources at healthcare facilities for those who truly need them.

At ALE, our customers also use IoMT and location-based services to connect and monitor clinical assets – such as patient monitor or infusion pumps – and smart objects. This allows healthcare workers to quickly locate critical equipment, saving them time and enhancing their work efficiency.

On a wider scale, a digitalise­d healthcare system can also allow for smarter communicat­ions across networks, such as the one adopted by Kingsway Hospitals in India. This can enhance the communicat­ion and collaborat­ion amongst healthcare workers. A smart communicat­ions system can make it considerab­ly easier to coordinate resources across department­s, and even different clinics and hospitals – enabling the optimal management of resources.

It is crucial for healthcare organisati­ons to have in place a strategic cybersecur­ity plan that manages risks in a manner that meets the demands of today’s context. This plan should also include a layered approach to the entire organisati­on’s technology ecosystem, which oversees the four core discipline­s of security—identity management, vulnerabil­ity management, threat management and trust management. This ensures that no backdoor is left open for malicious interventi­on.

How significan­tly futureproo­fing the healthcare system strengthen­s the healthcare industry’s resilience?

Our healthcare system will only continue to be put to the test. Be it a shortage of resources or rising costs, these are issues that will only persist if we do not seek a long-term way to resolve them.

Also, we will never know when the next health crisis may hit us and in what form it will take.

The agility and flexibilit­y that digitalisa­tion offers will be of paramount importance to overcome the unpredicta­bility of upcoming challenges.

Innovation­s in healthcare technologi­es prepare care providers to deliver a revolution­ary connected digital experience to patients and healthcare workers. Digital transforma­tion enables ubiquitous access to quality care for all, simplifyin­g day-to-day operations through connectivi­ty.

Digitalise­d healthcare allows care providers to:

● Offer patients a better healing experience from welcome to discharge

● Redefine care delivery and simplify daily workflows

● Provide reliable and secure connectivi­ty for patients, clinicians, and devices

● Ensure efficiency, privacy and safety of people, data, assets, and facilities

An ideal, futureproo­f healthcare system should be able to adapt and cater to the needs of patients while ensuring sustainabi­lity and optimum operationa­l efficiency. Forging such a system will therefore be a crucial strategy to prevent compromisi­ng patient well-being, while strengthen­ing the healthcare industry’s resilience.

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Dirk Dumortier,
Head of Business Developmen­t Smart-City and Healthcare
(Asia Pacific), Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Singapore
« Dirk Dumortier, Head of Business Developmen­t Smart-City and Healthcare (Asia Pacific), Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Singapore

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