BioSpectrum Asia

India launches biggest health programme post-COVID-19


COVID-19 pandemic showed the relevance of ‘One Health’ principles in the governance of infectious diseases, especially efforts to prevent and contain zoonotic diseases throughout the world. Such diseases have devastatin­g impacts on animals, humans, health systems, and economies, requiring years of social and economic recovery. Sensing this urgent need, the Department of Biotechnol­ogy (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, supported a mega consortium on ‘One Health’. This programme envisages carrying out surveillan­ce of important bacterial, viral and parasitic infections of zoonotic as well as transbound­ary pathogens in India, including the North-eastern part of the country. Use of existing diagnostic tests and the developmen­t of additional methodolog­ies when required are mandated for the surveillan­ce and for understand­ing the spread of emerging diseases. This consortium, consisting of 27 organisati­ons led by DBT-National Institute of Animal Biotechnol­ogy, Hyderabad, is one of the biggest one health programmes launched by the Government of India in post-COVID times.

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