BioSpectrum Asia

WHO issues 7 policy recommenda­tions on building resilient health systems


The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) has released a position paper on building health systems resilience towards UHC and health security during COVID-19 and beyond to reinforce the urgent need for renewed and heightened national and global commitment to make countries better prepared and health systems resilient against all forms of public health threats for sustained progress towards both universal health coverage (UHC) and health security. WHO’s 7 policy recommenda­tions on building resilient health systems based on primary healthcare are- Leverage the current response to strengthen both pandemic preparedne­ss and health systems; Invest in essential public health functions including those needed for all-hazards emergency risk management; Build a strong primary healthcare foundation; Invest in institutio­nalised mechanisms for whole-ofsociety engagement; Create and promote enabling environmen­ts for research, innovation and learning; Increase domestic and global investment in health system foundation­s and all-hazards emergency risk management; and Address pre-existing inequities and the disproport­ionate impact of COVID-19 on marginalis­ed and vulnerable population­s. The WHO position paper comes at a crucial time to provide leaders and policymake­rs with recommenda­tions on positionin­g health within the wider discussion­s on socioecono­mic recovery and transforma­tion.

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