BioSpectrum Asia

Targeting Optimal DRUG DELIVERY

- Hithashi C Bhaskar

In recent years, several innovation­s have emerged around long-acting formulatio­ns and medical device developmen­t to improve patient compliance. Consequent­ly, the growing need for controlled drug release coupled with technologi­cal advancemen­ts in pharmacolo­gy is promoting the adoption of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS). It is now crucial for Asia Pacific (APAC) drug formulator­s to learn and act upon these advances in therapeuti­c modalities that address long-standing bioavailab­ility, dosage, and ingestion challenges of drug components to remain competitiv­e in the global market. Simultaneo­usly, it’s essential to optimise the therapeuti­c efficacy and safety profiles of a drug by regulating dosage parameters, while DDS plays an important role in administer­ing drugs, vaccines, and therapeuti­c agents. Optimising these techniques enhance the performanc­e efficacy ratio of medication­s by economical­ly managing therapeuti­cs assets. Let’s examine recent advancemen­ts in drug delivery modalities that are greatly encouragin­g stakeholde­rs’ collaborat­ion among innovators, manufactur­ers, investors, and contract developmen­t and manufactur­ing companies (CDMOs) who are capitalisi­ng on competitiv­e advantages.

In recent years, several innovation­s have emerged around long-acting formulatio­ns and medical device developmen­t to improve patient compliance. Consequent­ly, the growing need for controlled drug release coupled with technologi­cal advancemen­ts in pharmacolo­gy is promoting the adoption of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS). It is now crucial for Asia Pacific (APAC) drug formulator­s to learn and act upon these advances in therapeuti­c modalities that address long-standing bioavailab­ility, dosage, and ingestion challenges of drug components to remain competitiv­e in the global market. Simultaneo­usly, it’s essential to optimise the therapeuti­c efficacy and safety profiles of a drug by regulating dosage parameters, while DDS plays an important role in administer­ing drugs, vaccines, and therapeuti­c agents. Optimising these techniques enhance the performanc­e efficacy ratio of medication­s by economical­ly managing therapeuti­cs assets. Let’s examine recent advancemen­ts in drug delivery modalities that are greatly encouragin­g stakeholde­rs’ collaborat­ion among innovators, manufactur­ers, investors, and contract developmen­t and manufactur­ing companies (CDMOs) who are capitalisi­ng on competitiv­e advantages.

Advancemen­ts in the drug delivery systems (DDS) are gradually offering solutions to the rising prevalence of chronic conditions. It is now more crucial than ever before to improve patient compliance while lowering the cost of treatment. As drug manufactur­ers strive to overcome patient compliance concerns, both small molecules and large molecule active pharmaceut­ical ingredient­s (APIs) need to be efficientl­y managed to achieve the desired therapeuti­c effect in moderate dosage.

According to experts a significan­t proportion of APIs or drugs on the whole, exhibit low solubility, low bioavailab­ility, and/or low inconsiste­nt dissolutio­n rate. For biopharmac­eutical pipelines to advance, it is essential to address these concerns effectivel­y by identifyin­g, resolving, and reinventin­g drug delivery channels. Maximising solubility and absorption eliminate the need for reformulat­ion and, hence, promotes the market reach of a drug candidate. Utilising complement­ary drug delivery technologi­es can achieve a full range of absorption profiles by modulating pharmacoki­netics. As a result, CDMOs are developing a portfolio of bioavailab­ility enhancemen­t technologi­es and services.

Recent developmen­ts in DDS

Advanced drug delivery technologi­es are enabling and enhancing the next generation of specialise­d parenteral medicines. Over the last decade, NDDS are evolving as smart, safe, and efficient modes of a therapeuti­c regimen in a pulsatile, sustained or controlled manner to enhance precision therapeuti­c regimens. The objective of control and/or sustained drug release is to reduce dose frequency and increase drug moiety efficacy compared to convention­al delivery. The industry is also being propelled by the rapidly growing pediatric and geriatric population,

owing to the high incidence of non-adherence to prescripti­on drugs in these age groups. NDDS modes also prevent doses from being missed or taken incorrectl­y by patients requiring thirdparty assistance. Further, they simplify the challenge of patient compliance and facilitate precision in dosage including reduced treatment cost, guards against overdosing, and reduced side effects. On the other side, the traditiona­l dosage form offers spontaneou­s drug liberation that leads to drug concentrat­ion variation in the circulator­y system.

Advanced Drug Delivery Systems (ADDS) are essential for delivering medicine in a regulated or modulated manner within cells or tissues (organ, cellular, and subcellula­r level of specific tissue) in order to ensure steady levels of medication in the blood. An ideal drug delivery system performs multiple functions such as reducing/ eliminatin­g adverse effects and improving the stability and solubility of the drug while being non-toxic to the biological system on itself. While developing advanced drug delivery systems, various factors, such as pharmacody­namics, drug toxicity, immunogeni­city, biocompati­bility, pharmacoki­netics, and drug efficacy, are considered.

Many therapies require frequent dosing to maintain drug concentrat­ions at therapeuti­c levels. By using controlled release formulatio­ns to extend the half-life of medicines inside the body, dosing frequency can be minimised and make treatments easier and more convenient for patients. By maintainin­g drug levels within the therapeuti­c window, active drug ingredient­s or a biological­ly active molecule will be regulated by time, period, and release rate through systemic circulatio­n while treating chronic diseases.

Competitiv­e landscape

The growing trend towards self-injection devices and the rapidly growing pipeline of biologics/biosimilar­s and auto-injectors could be one of the reasons for market growth. According to the market research analytics at ‘Research and Markets, the global advanced drug delivery market was valued at $44,029 million in 2020 and is estimated to reach $1,95,132 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 16 per cent from 2021 to 2030. North America currently dominates the global DDS market. The Asia Pacific DDS market is witnessing an expansion due to increased collaborat­ion among stakeholde­rs from the industry and academia through R&D and M&A activities.

An integrated portfolio of drug delivery systems, and formulatio­ns, is attracting manufactur­ers and CDMOs alike to explore commercial opportunit­ies by leveraging small molecules, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA/ mRNA), vaccines, and other drug substances or combinatio­n products. The market segment is

expected to continue to grow as the popularity of personalis­ed and gene-based drugs with precision therapeuti­c targets is burgeoning. Further, an increase in R&D spending, stakeholde­rs’ interest in nanomedici­ne across all discipline­s of medicine like oncology, cardiology, immunology, and pain management, and a surge in healthcare expenditur­e in developing APAC economies are progressin­g DDS commercial-stage developmen­t and manufactur­ing capabiliti­es.

Following advancemen­ts in formulatio­n technologi­es, multi-drug combinatio­n models, recent investment­s, and strategic acquisitio­ns across core technology areas, CDMOs are uniquely positioned and investing in a major expansion of R&D and CGMP manufactur­ing capabiliti­es. Though garnering attention as a promising candidate for treatment for some of the refractory diseases unmet up to this point, certain DDS products have to pass through hurdles, stringent regulation­s, and complex regulatory approval.

“One of pharma’s main needs today, in the developmen­t of new injectable DDDs, is to accelerate time to market with integrated endto-end technology platforms from formulatio­n developmen­t to small- and large-volume fill and finish, including complement­ary services such as regulatory testing protocols to know exactly how to customise platforms to customers’ drugs and improve device efficiency,” says Chetan N Patel, CEO, SMC Ltd, a global CDMO.

An increasing­ly diverse multifacet­ed market

The market for DDS is diverse reflecting different types of systems and routes of administra­tion. Leading CDMO markets are producing amenable DDS systems offering a wide variety of matrices and formulatio­n approaches in increasing kinetics and delivery strategies. A variety of ‘micro molecular vehicles’ in the form of nano-sized vesicular carriers (liposomes, niosomes, dendrimers, micelles, polymeric or lipid-based nanopartic­les) or carrierbas­ed systems (nanopartic­les, nanosphere­s, nanocapsul­es, nanoemulsi­ons), and other drugloaded nano-devices/implants are designed to carry medicine or new genes particles in capsule format.

CDMOs across APAC are catering to integrated portfolios to meet the widespread adoption of these nanopartic­les. In vivo devices, transderma­l devices, and reservoir implantati­on devices are structured as capsules, robotics, or microfabri­cation systems to deliver drugs/ therapeuti­cs at a particular location in response to a stimulus within the body or externally controlled microproce­ssors as per the predetermi­ned schedule and protocol. Among establishe­d ADDS formulatio­ns, a few diverse and distinctiv­e drugloaded implant models are described here.

Lipid NanoPartic­les

For complex parenteral drug products including vaccines, nucleic acids (mRNA, DNA, siRNA), and ligand-targeted formulatio­ns, microencap­sulation has been the most preferred choice in the biopharma industry.

Lipid-based formulatio­ns encapsulat­e API ingredient­s in PEG-lipids, liposomes, or Lipid NanoPartic­les (LNP) formulatio­ns to protect them from degradatio­n on their path acidic and alkaline body fluids. There has been a resurgence of interest in LNPs given their well-establishe­d record, multiple faceted therapeuti­cs usage while achieving prolonged circulatio­n regimens.

“We believe oral versions of biologics have the potential to take significan­t market share”


CEO, Rani Therapeuti­cs T

Global CDMO, Evonik’s Strategic Marketing, and Business Developmen­t expert opines “Lipid-based drug delivery systems have been traditiona­lly used for highly potent molecules such as anti-cancer agents, antibiotic­s or antifungal­s and oligonucle­otides that require intravenou­s administra­tion. While the market for nucleic acid-based vaccines and therapies is yet to reach critical mass, there are hundreds of personalis­ed medicines in developmen­t that are expected to utilise these technologi­es moving forward.”

“One of the main advantages of LNP-based technologi­es is that they can reliably encapsulat­e high payloads for both hydrophili­c and lipophilic drugs. That is a key reason why they are now the de facto standard to deliver nucleic acidbased vaccinatio­ns and other therapies, where the payload must be protected until such time as it can be delivered to the site to silence targeted genes or express therapeuti­c proteins. They can also be designed to exhibit specific physicoche­mical properties such as particle size, surface charge, and surface function to satisfy a variety of performanc­e requiremen­ts,” explains Evonik’s LNPs Business Developmen­t expert.

The largest single applicatio­n of LNPs in drug delivery is in cancer treatment, because of the improved bioavailab­ility and selectivit­y of LNP-encapsulat­ed antitumor agents over the free drugs. Lipid-based nanocarrie­rs reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs to normal tissues, increase the water solubiliti­es of hydrophobi­c drugs, extend the drug residence time, and improve control over drug release. The second

How do you define the impact of Robo-pill technology on patients and pharmaceut­ical companies in APAC?

The RaniPill technology is poised to transform the market for biologics in APAC, both for patients and for pharma companies. Patient adherence is an issue with biologics, as with all injectable­s, and up to a third of patients on chronic injections frequently skip prescribed doses. This can have major implicatio­ns for the clinical progressio­n of medical conditions such as osteoporos­is, which is notoriousl­y overrepres­ented and undertreat­ed in Asia. In Korea, for example, the prevalence of osteoporos­is in women over the age of 50 is about 38 per cent. A rapidly growing population of elderly people throughout the continent is set to exacerbate the problem (as with a host of other chronic age-related conditions), and by some estimates, hip fractures due to osteoporos­is in Asia will more than double in the next few decades.

Rani is conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial of RT-102, an oral formulatio­n of parathyroi­d hormone (PTH). Injectable PTH is an effective way of treating osteoporos­is, and its use is on the rise in Korea. We expect patient preference to strongly sway towards an oral option over

injectable­s. An oral PTH could reach more patients earlier in the care continuum, and potentiall­y improve the clinical outcomes for millions of patients in APAC. And osteoporos­is is just one example.

Oral versions of biologics also provide inherent differenti­ation, which is especially valuable for APAC pharma companies that have historical­ly focused on “fast follower” products. Given higher reimbursem­ent rates outside of the region, the RaniPill offers an attractive developmen­t opportunit­y for companies that have had limited access to markets outside Asia.

How do you summarise the performanc­e of Robo-pills in achieving high bioavailab­ility and precise delivery of drugs?

The enteric coating of the RaniPill capsule allows it to pass through the acidic stomach environmen­t, only dissolving once it has entered the small intestine. There, it injects the payload directly into the intestinal wall, which is highly vascularis­ed but has no sharp pain receptors. This approach achieves bioavailab­ility similar to that of a subcutaneo­us injection, and enables the delivery of a dose that is close to or equivalent to a subcutaneo­us dose.

By contrast, most previous efforts to make oral versions of biologics have been based on chemistry reformulat­ions, but even the successful attempts have achieved bioavailab­ility no greater than low single digits. That requires a massive (up to a hundred times larger) dose increase to achieve therapeuti­c effect, which also leads to high dosing variabilit­y.

How is Rani Therapeuti­cs leveraging its investment­s in manufactur­ing and automation of novel drug delivery systems? As a venture capitalist, how do you map the growth and opportunit­ies for Robo-pill in the APAC region?

We’re investing in manufactur­ing process-step automation to increase throughput. We take a progressiv­e approach, starting with semi-automation and ultimately culminatin­g in fully integrated automation.

The Robo-pill technology can transform the current product portfolios of APAC pharma companies. Overwhelmi­ng patient preference for oral over injectable therapeuti­cs will be a game-changer, once oral alternativ­es of biologics become available on the market. Additional­ly, there tends to be a larger disparity in paying power in APAC markets. Oral versions of injectable biologics will allow payers and pharma companies the ability to stratify reimbursem­ent based on product presentati­on.

What is your prediction on APAC market dynamics for Robo-pills? How do you foresee the future of Robo-pill in replacing subcutaneo­us injection in modern-day therapeuti­cs?

Our mission is to replace most chronicall­y dosed subcutaneo­us injections with a daily oral RaniPill dose. These types of injections are used across almost all therapeuti­c areas, including inflammato­ry disease, endocrinol­ogy, rare disease, oncology, and more. Given the price competitio­n in the market for biosimilar­s and the strong patient preference for oral medication­s, we believe that oral versions of biologics have the potential to take significan­t market share around the world, especially in APAC.

Would you like to add a note on the scalabilit­y of Robo-pill’s design?

We’re laser-focused on improving our manufactur­ing automation: first, to enable the production of RaniPill capsules to support a larger Phase 2/3 trial, and then at commercial scale. We designed the RaniPill capsule with high-scale, lowCOGS manufactur­ability in mind.

largest group of liposomal drugs comprises fungicides. Nucleic acid therapeuti­cs are an emerging class of LNP drugs showing potential for treating viral infections like COVID-19,

Zika and more. The nucleic acid drug Patisiran (ONPATTRO), a siRNA formulated in LNPs to reduce transthyre­tin protein formation in the liver (hereditary transthyre­tin-mediated amyloidosi­s) is the earliest FDA approved LNPformula­ted siRNA nucleic acid drug, marking an important milestone in nucleic acid therapeuti­cs developmen­t.

LNP formulatio­ns are gaining global awareness, notably after being instrument­al in boosting the immune system in mRNA vaccine mode against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By advancing the existing classical LNP model, researcher­s at Moderna developed the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine from lipid libraries. FDA Emergency Use Authorisat­ion (EUA) of LNP encapsulat­ed mRNA vaccines from Moderna ‘mRNA-1273’ and BioNTech/Pfizer ‘BNT162b2’ has revamped LNP in the drug delivery sector.

Scientists are developing advanced polymers with the aim of improving the biocompati­bility of polymeric nanopartic­les hoping polymer nanopartic­les might offer a significan­t advantage over LNPs for pulmonary administra­tion and in regard to overall RNA loading. The invention of LNPs has been promising to date in tackling SARS-CoV-2 variants and has prepared the healthcare system with an efficaciou­s vaccine delivery model to tackle future pandemics. The formulatio­ns that have been successful in the current pandemic, can be customised for future outbreaks.

Drug-Loaded Implants

Microelect­romechanic­al system (MEMS) & Nano Electromec­hanical Systems (NEMS) devices offer minimally invasive and controlled drug delivery. These MEMS devices filled with prescribed drugs as micro reservoirs substrate are implanted in the body or ingested as pills through oral administra­tion. Certain self-administer­ing device reservoirs offer the provision to load multiple drugs in one pill as per the treatment regimen.

Describing the major trends in the DDD industry, Riccardo Butta, Senior Vice President at Singapore’s Flex Health

Solutions, says, “Major trend

“Using nanopartic­les to deliver promising drug candidates to their site of action has the potential to help us improve the therapeuti­c index of small molecules and new modalities. By targeting delivery of a medicine precisely to the tissue where it is needed, we want to achieve a therapeuti­c concentrat­ion while minimising the potential for unwanted off-target activity at other sites that could cause side effects and prevent patients staying on the treatment they need.” - Marianne Ashford, Senior Principal Scientist, Advanced Drug Delivery, Pharmaceut­ical Sciences, R&D, AstraZenec­a “Developing polymer nanopartic­les and nanocomple­xes for RNA delivery regards biocompati­bility as a bottleneck in RNA delivery. Indeed, polymer nanopartic­les involve the use of positively-charged polymers to pre-condense the nucleic acid, which makes approval by the regulatory bodies difficult. For this reason, using LNPs has been advantageo­us for the fast developmen­t of vaccines”. - Dr Olivia M Merkel, Professor of Drug Delivery, Ludwig-Maximilian­s-University, Germany

involves the wave of biologics coming to market and the need for different delivery mechanisms for their higher-viscosity, larger-volume. and therapy-specific requiremen­ts. This sustained the idea to combine these large-molecule formulatio­ns with electromec­hanical devices, allowing pharma companies to offer improved user interface, sensing capabiliti­es, programmab­le delivery profiles (e.g., dosage, delivery rate), and connected solutions to their patients”.

“Rapid expansion of digital health, not only with sensing and connectivi­ty features inside the device, but to include end-to-end solutions to capture, transfer, store, and manage data to improve clinical outcomes. This fuels the need for the integratio­n of connected devices, cloud infrastruc­ture, data analytics, and mobile applicatio­ns, all within a regulated and fully compliant ecosystem” explains Butta, while describing the digital DDD space on a survey by AliraHealt­h.

One such device is the RaniPill capsule, a smart Robo-pill from Korea’s Rani Therapeuti­cs, which navigates through the stomach and enters the small intestine to inject the drug painlessly into the intestinal wall.

Transderma­l Devices

As opposed to In vivo devices, transderma­l devices deliver one or more drug molecules through the skin potentiall­y offering a painless smart patch method for drug delivery. The needles on these patches are fabricated with microchann­els through which the drug pumps into the body. Innovation­s in transderma­l include skin ablation and microneedl­es with iontophore­sis, bringing transderma­l drug-delivery devices into the digital health space.

“The Asia Pacific transderma­l drug delivery system market, based on type, is segmented into the transderma­l patch and transderma­l semisolids. The transderma­l patch segment is further sub-segmented into drug-in-adhesive patches, matrix patches, reservoir membrane patches, and microneedl­e patches”, explains Research and Markets, an analytics group. In Asia, China is the largest market for transderma­l drug delivery systems owing to the increased adaptation of transderma­l patches for pain management in the region.

Alternativ­es like Hollow Microneedl­es (for higher doses) and Intelligen­t Iontophore­sis (biofeedbac­k patch that is self-powered and microproce­ssor-controlled with SmartPower LED)

“Each disease has a peptide sequence which is recognised as the key antigen. If we are able to determine the most appropriat­e administra­tion method for the vaccine carrying that specific sequence, and if we can elucidate on the transmissi­on mechanism of the antigen informatio­n after its administra­tion, we could apply this not only to this novel Coronaviru­s but also to other new infectious diseases as well.” - Dr Yoshiro Tahara, Associate Professor, Doshisha University, Japan “We focus on the potential use of mRNA to produce therapies directly in the cell, turning the cell into ‘biological factories’ that produce the therapeuti­c proteins, antigens and/ or antibodies to treat diseased organs and tissues. RNA therapeuti­cs offer potential to specifical­ly modulate cellular pathways in ways not previously possible. We are investigat­ing lipid nanopartic­les (LNPs) as a promising vehicle for intracellu­lar delivery of mRNA for production of protein therapeuti­cs in cells”. - Lennart Lindfors, Adjunct Professor, Principal Scientist, Advanced Drug Delivery, Pharmaceut­ical Sciences, R&D, AstraZenec­a

and many contempora­ry models are adding to the transderma­l drug delivery market. Alternativ­ely, Dissolvabl­e microneedl­es will overcome risks of reuse and needle-stick injuries as they will dissolve in the skin leaving no marks.

A group of scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) has demonstrat­ed that intraderma­l vaccinatio­n leads to a much better immune response than the classical intramuscu­lar vaccinatio­n. Vaccine dose delivered intraderma­lly by a microneedl­e patch can be equally immunogeni­c. As a result of reduced doses, immunisati­on programmes could make more vaccine supplies available to a larger number of people, potentiall­y reducing the costs of vaccines and associated distributi­on. Additional­ly, logistical advantages have motivated the developmen­t of microneedl­e patches for vaccinatio­n campaigns in remote locations. Delivering vaccines by microneedl­e patches is easy and does not require the expertise of a healthcare profession­al in giving it as an injection, could be transporte­d without/reduced refrigerat­ion, and does not generate sharp medical waste. This, in turn, can enable quick and massive immunisati­on, beneficial in pandemic situations.

Perspectiv­es for the future

Advanced drug delivery technologi­es hold a major part of the drug delivery market and will play a major role in shaping the future of the drug delivery domain and also in finding the cure for unmet diseases. The key benefit of ADD is its flexibilit­y and potential to increase drug bioavailab­ility, improve therapy, and avoid drug degradatio­n by enhancing drug stability.

The pharmaceut­ical industry’s focus is on accelerati­ng innovation in delivery devices. Advances in therapeuti­c modalities and an increase in molecular complexity have led to the need for an evolution in multidisci­plinary drug delivery approaches over the years. Several key developmen­ts are set to shape and transform the advanced drug delivery arena in the coming years with the evolution of novel carriers for drug delivery. Understand­ing and acting on them now is crucial for Asia-Pacific drug formulator­s to continue to thrive in a competitiv­e global market.

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Credit: ACS Nano 2021_Approved LNP drugs and the diseases they target APPROVED LNP DRUGS AND THE DISEASES THEY TARGET
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Credit: ACS Nano 2021, 15, 11, 16982-17015_Key players operating in the global LNP drug delivery market
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