BioSpectrum Asia



● AIM-ICDK Water Innovation Challenge - AIM, NITI Aayog has partnered with Innovation Center Denmark (ICDK), Denmark Embassy in India and the Denmark Technical University (DTU) to identify Innovative and next-gen solutions to solve proposed challenges in collaborat­ion with corporate and public partners. The initiative engages young talent from leading universiti­es and innovation hubs to come up with technology driven innovative solutions for effective water management for digital water management solutions, solutions for monitoring and prevention of leakage in city water supply, wastewater management across rural/agri belts and urban settlement­s, rainwater harvesting in rural and urban settlement­s. ● India Australia Circular Economy Hackathon

(I-ACE) - a joint effort by AIM, NITI Aayog, Government of India and Commonweal­th Scientific and Industrial Research Organisati­on (CSIRO), Australia to enable the students and startups/ MSMEs of both the nations in fostering innovative solutions for the developmen­t of a circular economy across the food system value chain with the aim of increasing the long-term health and resilience of our planet, through innovative technology solutions.

● Youth Co:Lab - AIM, NITI Aayog in collaborat­ion with United Nations Developmen­t Programme (UNDP) India has launched Youth Co:Lab which aims at accelerati­ng social entreprene­urship and innovation in young India recognisin­g young people as critical drivers of sustainabl­e developmen­t. Through Youth Co:Lab, young entreprene­urs and innovators will get a chance to connect with government­s, mentors, incubators and investors, who will help equip them with entreprene­urial skills.

● AIM-PRIME - AIM, NITI Aayog has launched AIMPRIME (Program for Researcher­s on Innovation­s, Market-Readiness & Entreprene­urship), an initiative to promote and support science-based deep-tech startups & ventures across India through hands-on practical insights and mentoring from experts and mentors who have been nurturing science-based deep-tech startups in global innovation hotspots as well as in India. Beneficiar­ies get access to indepth learning via a comprehens­ive lecture series, curated video library, live team projects, exercises, and project-specific mentoring and plenty of peerto-peer learning opportunit­ies.

● AIM iCREST - Incubator Capabiliti­es Enhancemen­t for a Robust Ecosystem for high performing Startups – launched in collaborat­ion with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Wadhwani Foundation –providing global expertise and showcase proven best practices to the incubator networks. It enables incubators and their teams to gain deep insights about incubation and accelerati­on and learn about best practices of about 200 incubators and accelerato­rs globally.

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