BioSpectrum Asia

India develops tiny robots to enhance dental care


Nano-sized robots manipulate­d using a magnetic field can help kill bacteria deep inside dentinal tubules, and boost the success of root canal treatments, as per a new study by researcher­s at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and IIScincuba­ted startup, Theranauti­lus. The dentinal tubules are very small, and bacteria reside deep in the tissue. Current techniques are not efficient enough to go all the way inside and kill the bacteria. The researcher­s designed helical nanobots made of silicon dioxide coated with iron, which can be controlled using a device that generates a low intensity magnetic field. These nanobots were then injected into extracted tooth samples and their movement was tracked using a microscope.

Crucially, the team was able to manipulate the magnetic field to make the surface of the nanobots generate heat, which can kill the bacteria nearby. As per the researcher­s, no other technology in the market can do this right now. The team has tested the dental nanobots in mice models and found them to be safe and effective. They are also working on developing a new kind of medical device that can easily fit inside the mouth, and allow the dentist to inject and manipulate the nanobots inside the teeth during root canal treatment.

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