BioSpectrum Asia

Country Initiative­s


Asian countries are taking various initiative­s and programmes to support dementia patients.

Australia: Australia was one of the first countries to design comprehens­ive dementia-specific policy initiative­s at a national level. The country has various initiative­s and programmes and has earmarked $185 million for dementia research. Australia’s latest achievemen­t is the creation of the National Dementia Action Plan (2023-2033), a collaborat­ive effort between the Australian Government and state/territory administra­tions. This 10-year plan prioritise­s the involvemen­t of individual­s with dementia, along with their families and caregivers, in all aspects of dementia-related initiative­s and programmes.

Singapore: The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) leads the coordinati­on of aged care services, with a strong emphasis on creating a vibrant care community that prioritise­s dementia-friendly initiative­s. The National

Dementia Strategy (NDS) provides guidance to the Ministry of Health (MOH) and healthcare institutio­ns, highlighti­ng the importance of awareness and early detection. Notably, over 324,000 individual­s have been reached through outreach teams, while government subsidies of up to 80 per cent are accessible for dementia care within healthcare institutio­ns.

Japan: Japan’s latest strategy for dementia, the National Framework for Promotion of Dementia Policies, was establishe­d in 2019. Continuing until 2025, it emphasises five core pillars: enhancing public awareness and empowering individual­s with dementia to voice their experience­s, emphasisin­g prevention, backing healthcare, caregiving, and long-term care services, fostering inclusive environmen­ts, aiding early-onset dementia, and promoting social participat­ion, and furthering research, industry growth, and internatio­nal partnershi­ps.

Korea: South Korea has implemente­d a series of measures to address dementia care and support. These include establishi­ng dementia care centres at 256 public health centres for counsellin­g, medical checkups, prevention programmes, and case management. Dedicated wards for severe cases are being introduced in 55 public long-term care hospitals, with plans to expand to more shopitals. Citizens aged 66 or older undergo cognitive impairment tests every 2 years, and public guardians are assigned to those unable to make decisions. The government developed a plan on National Dementia Research and Developmen­t and plans to invest KRW 200 billion for 9 years starting from 2020 to support mid-to-long term research on dementia.

China: China has launched a National Dementia Plan in 2020 under the Health Commission’s priorities, part of the

Ministry for Health and Healthy China 2019-30 initiative, with a focus on AD. Additional­ly, the Action Plan for Healthy China 2030 encompasse­s dementia provisions and services to support elderly mental health.

Australia’s Flinders University is spearheadi­ng a programme with a $400,000 grant to assist caregivers of China’s 11 million dementia patients. The programme adapts the World Health Organisati­on’s iSupport for Dementia initiative, providing online training to alleviate challenges and enhance caregivers’ quality of life.

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