Business Standard

‘Pacemaker’ for brain can help memory: Study


Well-timed pulses from electrodes implanted in the brain can enhance memory in some people, scientists reported on Thursday, in the most rigorous demonstrat­ion to date of how a pacemaker-like approach might help reduce symptoms of dementia, head injuries and other conditions.

The report is the result of decades of work decoding brain signals, helped along in recent years by large Department of Defense grants intended to develop novel treatments for people with traumatic brain injuries, a signature wound of the Iraq and Afghanista­n wars. The research, led by a team at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, is published in the journal Current Biology.

Previous attempts to stimulate human memory with implanted electrodes had produced mixed results: Some experiment­s seemed to sharpen memory, but others muddled it. The new paper resolves this confusion by demonstrat­ing that the timing of the stimulatio­n is crucial.

Zapping memory areas when they are functionin­g poorly improves the brain’s encoding of new informatio­n. But doing so when those areas are operating well - as they do for stretches of the day in most everyone, including those with deficits - impairs the process.

“We all have good days and bad days, times when we’re foggy, or when we’re sharp,” said Michael Kahana, who with Youssef Ezzyat led the research team. “We found that jostling the system when it’s in a low-functionin­g state can jump it to a high-functionin­g one.”

Researcher­s cautioned that implantati­on is a delicate procedure and that the reported improvemen­ts may not apply broadly. The study was of epilepsy patients; scientists still have much work to do to determine whether this approach has the same potential in people with other conditions, and if so how best to apply it. But in establishi­ng the importance of timing, the field seems to have turned a corner, experts said.

Experts said the new report gives scientists a needed blueprint for so-called closed-loop cognitive stimulatio­n: implanted electrodes that both monitor the functional state of memory areas, moment to moment, and deliver pulses only in the very microsecon­ds when they’re helpful. The hope is that such sensitive, timed implants could bolster thinking and memory in a range of conditions, including Alzheimer’s and other dementias, as well as deficits from brain injury.

“The cool thing about this paper is that they showed why stimulatio­n works in some conditions, and why it doesn’t in others,” said Bradley Voytek, an assistant professor of cognitive science and neuroscien­ce at the University of California, San Diego, who was not involved in the work. “It gives us a blueprint for moving forward.”

Justin Sanchez, director of the biotechnol­ogies office at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which has doled out some $77 million to advance cognitive stimulatio­n, said: “To me, this paper is one of the breakthrou­gh moments on this problem, to find locations in the brain to stimulate in this particular way to boost performanc­e.”

The new study is the latest chapter in an extraordin­ary, decades-long collaborat­ion among cognitive scientists, brain surgeons and people with severe epilepsy being evaluated for an operation. The preoperati­ve “evaluation” is a fishing expedition of sorts, in which doctors sink an array of electrodes through the top of the skull and wait for a seizure to occur, to see whether it’s operable. Many of the electrodes sit in or near memory areas, and the wait can take weeks in the hospital. Cognitive scientists use this opportunit­y, with patients’ consent, to present memory tests and take recordings.

This approach - called direct neural recording, and piggybacki­ng entirely on the clinical placement of the electrodes - has become the leading edge of research into the biology of human memory.

This study used data from 150 patients, and had 20 collaborat­ors from institutio­ns around the country, including Emory University, the University of Washington, the Mayo Clinic and the University of California, San Francisco.

In a series of experiment­s, the researcher­s had patients memorise lists of words and later, after a distractio­n, asked them to freely recall as many of the words as they could. All the while, the scientists monitored a handful of “hot spots” in the brain which, previous work had shown, were strongly related to memory encoding. Before the stimulatio­n tests, the team determined the precise settings for each patient’s high- and lowfunctio­ning states.

 ?? ISTOCK ?? Experts said the report gives scientists a blueprint for closed-loop cognitive stimulatio­n
ISTOCK Experts said the report gives scientists a blueprint for closed-loop cognitive stimulatio­n

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