Business Standard

Apple, Daimlerwar­n EU over patent fees guidelines TECH GIANTS WORRIED


Apple, Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler have warned European Union regulators that adopting patent fee guidelines which favour Qualcomm and Ericsson could hurt consumers and hinder innovation.

The companies’ lobbying group, the Fair Standards Alliance (FSA), voiced their concerns in a letter dated October 16 to European Commission President JeanClaude Juncker, Competitio­n Commission­er Margrethe Vestager, Industry Commission­er Elzbieta Bienkowska and their colleagues.

The move comes as the EU executive ponders whether a fridge maker should pay a different rate for crucial patents than a carmaker, or whether a flat, fixed rate would be fairer, with trillions of dollars in sales at stake.

Sources say the latest Commission draft favours the patent fee model used by world No. 1 smartphone chip designer Qualcomm and Ericsson, which predominat­es in the tech industry and is based on how much value a technology adds to a product. It is opposed by Apple, Google and others in Silicon Valley, who favour fixed fees.

Bienkowska’s officials, who are leading the drive, are now seeking feedback from other units in the Commission and aim to finalise the guidelines by the end of November.

“The European Commission risks jeopardisi­ng Europe’s potential to be a world leader in the Internet of Things by supporting a patent licensing system which rewards a few entrenched patent-holding companies at the expense of innovative companies and ultimately consumers,” the FSA said in the letter seen by Reuters.

Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler said the issue was of particular concern for their EU executive ponders whether a fridgemake­r should pay a different rate for crucial patents than a carmaker Also, whether a flat, fixed rate would be fairer, with trillions of dollars in sales at stake Sources say the latest Commission draft favours the patent fee model used by Qualcomm and Ericsson, which predominat­es in the industry where cars increasing­ly resemble digital devices because of the use of wireless technologi­es.

“We are now faced with components that are not licensed, and for which we receive claims or requests to engage in licensing discussion­s, even though these technologi­es are completely implemente­d at the component or module level,” the letter said. “We do not have the applicable technical expertise to fully evaluate whether a license is needed or what a fair price for such technology might be.”

The Commission, which is doing a tech industry It is based on how much value a technology adds to a product. It is opposed by Apple, Google and others in Silicon Valley, who favour fixed fees broader push to set new rules of the road for internet-connected devices beyond just computers and smartphone­s to cover cars, home automation and energy devices in the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) era, said it was acting in the interests of Europeans.

“To make the licensing framework work and play a lead role in global technologi­cal innovation, all actors need to work together to strike a balance between patent holders and implemente­rs,” spokeswoma­n Lucia Caudet said in an email.

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