Business Standard

‘We aim to create disruption through collaborat­ion’


forms. Are these developmen­ts a threat or an opportunit­y for Rolls Royce? As countries and markets move to a lowcarbon economy, we are tapping into new opportunit­ies. As regards to our products, be it aircraft or diesel engines, we are continuous­ly driving efficienci­es into them. At the same time, the company is looking at fresh applicatio­ns as well. We are big on micro grids and solar. Ensuring continuity of power supply to our consumers is a priority. So we are building powerful and cleaner diesel engines that kick in when the sun is not shining or power in the grid falls. The focus is also on building gas-based engines that are much more efficient and are cleaner also. What are your plans for India and the key areas of investment? Electrific­ation of India presents a big opportunit­y for us to build hybrid solutions for consumers. We are looking at rural markets where electrific­ation is gaining a lot of ground. Powering railway stations and data centres is another focus area. Another big focus area for us in India is the country’s growing aviation market. We, along with GE, are the leaders in widebody aircraft. Currently, the market for wide-body aircraft engines is small in India but we see it moving fast. For example, with economic growth and infrastruc­ture developmen­t, China quickly moved from narrow-body aircraft to wide-body aircraft driving demand for aircraft engines. China has moved from being a small market 20 years ago to being our second biggest market. We see India moving in the same direction in a couple of years. As the economy grows and the infrastruc­ture improves, more and more people will travel by air. This will drive huge demand for wide-body aircraft. We are very strong in the wide-body aircraft engine market. But we are handicappe­d in India today. That is potentiall­y our biggest market. We are getting ready for the future opportunit­y.

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