Business Standard



President Trump signed the most consequent­ial tax legislatio­n in three decades on Friday, even as he complained that he has not been given credit for his administra­tion’s accomplish­ments during a turbulent first year.

Trump decided against doing a formal signing ceremony early next year because television news networks questioned whether he would keep his promise to sign the legislatio­n before Christmas.

Trump said he saw the coverage Friday morning and hastily called his staff to say that the legislatio­n needed to be signed “now,” prompting a last-minute Oval Office ceremony for the president’s greatest achievemen­t in his first year in office.

“We did a rush job today,” Trump said at the bill signing. “It’s not fancy, but it’s the Oval Office. It’s the great Oval Office.”

It marked another improvisat­ional moment in a presidency already known for abandoning the norms

The bill was the most significan­t legislativ­e victory for Trump, who has struggled during his first year in office to pass major bills that would deliver on campaign promises, even with Republican­s having the majority in both chambers of Congress. Republican­s promise the new tax law will benefit the middle class, but Democrats have warned that the law could be harmful to many lowerincom­e taxpayers and to the nation’s fiscal health.

“It’s going to be a tremendous thing for the American people,” Trump said.

Before signing the legislatio­n on Friday, Trump said in a Twitter post that companies were celebratin­g the bill’s passage with bonuses for workers.

During the signing ceremony, Trump said, “Corporatio­ns are literally going wild over this.” A handful of companies, including AT&T, which is seeking government approval of a major acquisitio­n of Time Warner, have announced that they would give bonuses to workers.

There was some discussion in Congress and at the White House that Trump should consider delaying the signing until early 2018 as a way to delay automatic spending cuts that could have been triggered by the tax cuts. In addition, some companies said that delay would give them more time to adjust to the major changes that the new tax code will mean for their businesses.

However, once Congress reached a deal this week to avoid the possibilit­y of the spending cuts, White House officials signaled that Trump wanted to sign the bill into law as soon as possible.

Trump often reacts to television news, and Friday was no different. The president delayed his travel to Florida for the holidays by an hour to stave off potential criticism.

“Every one of the networks was saying, ‘Will he keep his promise?’ “the president said.

Shortly after 10 am, Trump announced in a Twitter post that the bill would be signed “in 30 minutes.”

Earlier in the morning, the president suggested that he would not get credit for what he said were extraordin­ary accomplish­ments for a first year.

Under the new tax law, individual rates will be lowered, but those cuts are set to expire in 2025. The standard deduction, which will almost double, is likely to become more popular. The tax credit for children will also double, which Republican­s have said will benefit lower-income families. The largest cut by far in the new tax law — which will not expire — benefits corporatio­ns.

The new law has been criticised by lawmakers representi­ng states with high taxes, because the bill caps state and local tax deductions at $10,000.

The law also eliminates the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that most people have health insurance or pay a penalty. Trump has said that amounted to repealing President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, but 8.8 million Americans signed up for coverage, according to figures his administra­tion announced on Thursday. The law is not repealed, but the mandate had been considered an important feature of it.

Trump also signed a stopgap spending bill in order to avoid a government shutdown. In addition to extending government funding, the bill includes $4 billion for missile defence, among other provisions.

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 ?? PTI/AP ?? US President Donald Trump displays the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul package he signed on Friday in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Trump touted the size of the tax cut, declaring to reporters in the Oval Office before he signed it...
PTI/AP US President Donald Trump displays the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul package he signed on Friday in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Trump touted the size of the tax cut, declaring to reporters in the Oval Office before he signed it...

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