Business Standard

Wine tied to healthier arteries for some diabetics


Some diabetics with plaque build up in their arteries might have less debris in their blood vessels after adding wine to their diets, a recent study suggests.

For the study, researcher­s examined data on 224 people with type 2 diabetes who normally didn’ t drink alcohol, but were randomly assigned to follow a Mediterran­ean diet and drink approximat­ely one glass of red wine, white wine or water daily. Among the subset of 174 people with ultrasound images of their arteries ,45 percent had detect able plaque at the start of the study.

Two years later, researcher­s didn’ t see any significan­t increase in plaque for any of the participan­ts with ultra sounds, regardless of whether they drank wine or water.

However, among the people who started out with the most plaque in their arteries, there was a small but statistica­lly meaningful reduction in these deposits by the end of the study, researcher­s report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

“Among patients with well controlled diabetes and a low risk for alcohol abuse, initiating moderate alcohol consumptio­n in the context of a healthy diet is apparently safe and may modest ly reduce card io metabolic risk ,” said lead study author Rachel Golan, a public health researcher at Ben-G uri on University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel.

“Our study is not a call for all patients with type 2 diabetes to start drinking,” Golan said by email.

Card io-metabolic risk factors can increase the chances of having diabetes, heart disease or a stroke. In addition to plaque in the arteries, other risk factors include high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, high cholestero­l, smoking and having poor diet and exercise habits.

Some previous research has linked drinking moderate amounts of wine or other alcohol to a lower risk of cardiovasc­ular disease in otherwise healthy people as well as diabetics.

In the current study, all of the participan­ts had the most common form of the disease, known as type2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity and aging and occurs when the body can no longer produce or use the hormone insulin to convert sugar sin the blood into energy.

Participan­ts were part of a larger study looking at people with cardiovasc­ular disease and diabetes.

They were typically in their late 50 sore arly 60 sand most of them were overweight or obese. Roughly 65 to 70 percent of them took medication­s to lower cholestero­l or other blood fat sand the majority of them also took diabetes drugs to control blood sugar.

Patients were told to follow a Mediterran­ean diet, which typically includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and olive oil. This diet also tends to favor lean sources of protein like chicken or fish over red meat, which contains more saturated fat.

Participan­ts were provided with wine or mineral water throughout the study period along with a 150millili­ter (5.07- ounce) glass to measure their daily dose of their assigned beverage, whichwas consumed with dinner.

 ??  ?? Initiating moderate alcohol consumptio­n in the context of a healthy diet is apparently safe and may modestly reduce cardiometa­bolic risk
Initiating moderate alcohol consumptio­n in the context of a healthy diet is apparently safe and may modestly reduce cardiometa­bolic risk

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