Business Standard




8 Marking time for the head (4) 9 Amuses Nina to go round and

take dictation (10)

10 Are furious, you notice, by

the end (6) 11 The smallest was snappish but only to a very minor degree (5,3)

12 He was barbaric in treating

others (4)

13 Revealed some old boy I'd

seen about Olivia's clown (10) 17 Sterling, perhaps, never attracted by the rolling stones (4)

18 Get off the line ! (5)

19 Their maturity causes the pest

population to rise ? (4)

20 Tina Turner embraced by

country relative (5,5)

22 From which Britons used to

die, we hear, in battle (4) 23 The most one has to bowl? (8) 27 Prison garage ? (4-2)

28 What chocolate eaters do on

bicycle (6,4)

29 Bark "Shoot!" (4)


1 Cooler soul blended bleach (4,6) 2 Grasps them tightly in cars (8) 3 Film star injures Greek hero,

according to Spooner (5,5) 4 Graduate at US city backing

false god (4)

5 So peacock may have appeared, over in Pennsylvan­ia (4)

6 Unties knots, yet draws them

together (6)

7 Female wear that wasn't long

in fashion (4) 14 It's pointless applying common-sense to the English (2,3)

15 An orphan but for mother ? (10) 16 Outside the college, public transport starting up. Relax comfortabl­y outside (10) 19 Bulletin — "Players support

all points" (8)

21 A hole is so big that one

steers clear of it (6) 24 Compete against, to assume

the role of (4)

25 Nutriment is profession­ally

funded by clients (4) 26 Spilling ale, fellow gets

needle? (4)

 ??  ??

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