Business Standard

Wants Section 377 scrapped


What the British were thinking when they introduced Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code might never truly be known. They probably did not expect this law to outlast their rule in India by over 70 years. The Victorian-era law, which was written in 1860 and which criminalis­es “unnatural” sexual acts, continues to stand strong despite several legal attempts to strike it down. There is hope that this might change.

Navtej Singh Johar, a Sangeet Natak Akademi award-winning Bharatanat­yam dancer and yoga teacher, has petitioned the Supreme Court with four other private citizens to decriminal­ise homosexual­ity and protect the rights of the LGBTQ community under Article 21 of the Indian Constituti­on, which pertains to the right of life. His co-petitioner­s are journalist Sunil Mehra, restaurate­ur Ritu Dalmia, architectu­ral restorer and hotelier Aman Nath, and marketing profession­al Ayesha Kapur. The most striking departure from previous legal battles against Section 377 is that this petition is the first to be filed by private citizens who have come together only as members of the LGBTQ community and not as part of any specific organisati­on.

“I am making this petition because as a normal gay man, who considers himself to be a responsibl­e and a worthwhile citizen of this country, 377 makes no sense. My orientatio­n is different, that is all, and that is no crime,” says Johar over email.

Each of the petitioner­s wields significan­t social capital, and yet, as their petition states, they “find their lives inexorably constricte­d and their rights infringed” by Section 377. “Despite their formidable achievemen­ts and contributi­on to India, they are denied the right to sexuality, the most basic and inherent of fundamenta­l rights. Section 377 of the IPC renders them criminals in their own country,” the petition reads.

Johar, who is in his mid-50s, is a popular face in Delhi’s culture circuit and lives with his partner, Mehra, in Green Park. The petition, a result of common interests coming together, was filed in April 2016. This was parallel to the February 2016 curative petition by Naz Foundation that was ordered by the Supreme Court to be heard in front of a Constituti­onal bench. The legal team for the five private citizens is led by Menaka Guruswamy, Saurabh Kirpal, Arundhati Katju, Neeha Nagpal and Pritha Srikumar. Senior lawyers such as Kapil Sibal have appeared for the case.

A Supreme Court bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachu­d heard the case on January 8 this year. An order was issued to debate the merits of this writ petition before a relevant bench. Johar’s petition will now be heard in the coming two months.

More than the case itself, it was a matter of preserving the LGBTQ community’s dignity. “It was the 2013 Supreme Court judgment that said that homosexual­s are a minuscule minority in India and that this law does not really affect anyone personally,” says Johar. “It was precisely this that made many of us want to step forward and put a face to this minority, which is not minuscule. And even if it is, the minority counts within a democracy. The reality is that 377 compromise­s the freedom and affects many of us adversely,” he adds.

Parliament­arians and lawmakers have been vocal about overturnin­g Section 377, but it will be a while before the archaic law is completely quashed. “Shedding this moralistic, Western attitude towards alternativ­e sexuality would be like flicking the last straw out of our psyches. It would really mean decolonisi­ng our minds,” says Johar.

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Navtej Johar

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