Business Standard

Agricultur­e scientists don’t want bureaucrat as job panel head

In a letter to the PM, they say appointing a bureaucrat will lead to regular interferen­ce in the process of talent search


The country’s top agricultur­e scientists have written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi opposing any move to appoint a bureaucrat as chairman of the Agricultur­al Scientist Recruitmen­t Board (ASRB).

In the letter written last month, scientists under the National Academy of Agricultur­al Sciences (NAAS) said that any move to appoint a bureaucrat instead of a career scientist as head of the ASRB will end its autonomy and lead to interferen­ce in talent search.

“It will be disastrous for agricultur­e sciences and impact research,” said Panjab Singh, President of National Academy of Agricultur­al Sciences (NAAS) and chancellor of RLB Central Agricultur­e University, Jhansi.

The ASRB is the main body for recruitmen­t of agricultur­e scientists in the country.

Constitute­d in 1973, the ASRB has been instrument­al in appointmen­t of scientists in all major agricultur­e institutes and universiti­es in the country and also to build a cadre of farm scientists.

ASRB also conducts an All-India level Preliminar­y examinatio­n for recruitmen­t of Scientists every year in 55 different discipline­s of agricultur­al sciences.

The scientists claimed that so far, ASRB has recruited over 95,000 personnel in different categories and so far it has not lost a single case against any of its recommenda­tions, which speaks volumes of the transparen­cy in its functionin­g.

ASRB has a chairman and two full-time members appointed from among the scientific community. However, since the last few years, it is operating without a full-time chairman and one member.

“Since the last 45 years, never has a bureaucrat headed ASRB. So, we feel that someone who doesn’t know science and is not aware of the nuances of agricultur­e sciences should not be allowed to judge scientists,” Singh added.

He said the ICAR Governing Council and even a government appointed committee under former secretary of Directorat­e of Agricultur­al Research (DARE), R S Paroda to review the functionin­g of ASRB under hasn’t said anything about changing the compositio­n of the ASRB.

Instead, it asked for strengthen­ing the recruitmen­t board so as to enable selection of high quality individual­s for agricultur­e research.

Noted scientist Deepak Pental said that entire concept looks flawed, adding how can someone even think of appointing a non-scientist to head a scientists’ recruitmen­t panel.

He said a career bureaucrat, who even has a knowledge of science, won’t be able to do justice as agricultur­al sciences is a specialise­d field of branches and sub- divisions like animal husbandry, among others.

“We want to appeal to the government and the people to save agricultur­e sciences in India because science is the bedrock of the government’s aim to double farmers income by 2022,” RB Singh, former chairman of the ASRB said.

The government hasn’t responded to the allegation­s and did not confirm whether there is move to change the compositio­n of the ASRB.

PTI added quoting unnamed sources that a Cabinet proposal has been moved to widen the eligibilit­y criteria for appointmen­t of Chairman of the Agricultur­al Scientists Recruitmen­t Board (ASRB) as part of the government plan to reform the Board.

According to the Union Agricultur­e Ministry's proposal, both agri- scientists and even IAS officers can apply for the post of ASRB chairman, they added.

 ??  ?? The scientists claimed that so far, ASRB has recruited over 95,000 personnel in different categories and it has not lost a single case against any of its recommenda­tions, which speaks volumes of the transparen­cy in its functionin­g
The scientists claimed that so far, ASRB has recruited over 95,000 personnel in different categories and it has not lost a single case against any of its recommenda­tions, which speaks volumes of the transparen­cy in its functionin­g

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