Business Standard

Ayurvedic cure for calcium deficiency


Calcium is an essential micronutri­ent found in abundance in the human body and as per experts around 99 per cent of it is stored in the bones and teeth. The deficit in the calcium deposits isn’t a problem that occurs instantly instead it is a pressure that builds up over a period of time.

Calcium deficiency is mainly caused due to factors like ageing, Vitamin D deficiency and hormonal changes like the decline in estrogen hormone during menopause. Of all the treatments available, Ayurvedic medication­s are considered as the best remedial measures to uplift the depleting calcium levels in the body.

Intake of water: The bioavailab­ility of calcium and magnesium is higher in water than in food. But the reverse osmosis and distilling devices remove virtually all the minerals from the input water. Both calcium and magnesium are essential to human health. Inadequate intake of either nutrient can impair health. So it is advisable to use natural simple filtered water.

Maintain dietary calcium intake: An ideal per day calcium level requiremen­t for adults and the elderly is 10001300mg, for, it is 700-1000 mg for teenagers and kids and 250300 mg for infants.

Products like milk, yoghurt, tofu, soybeans, soy juice, oranges and tangerines are easily available and are very good suppliers of calcium. For nonvegetar­ians, the list adds up products like salmon, tuna and egg yolk. Other than these, vegetables like Broccoli, spinach, Mustard greens, Garlic and sun-dried tomatoes are also some important calcium supplement­s for the human body

Natural supplement­s strengthen the body from within, unlike the artificial ones that develop higher levels of calcium serum in the blood which holds the danger of developing calcificat­ion in the arteries and other body tissues.

Amp up the supportive nutrients level: When it comes to strengthen­ing bones and stabilisin­g calcium levels , there is a need to maintain a proper dosage of Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and Magnesium.

Herbs in Ayurveda help to replenish the calcium levels in the human body in a natural way and strengthen the body immune from within.

Popular for its rejuvenati­ng properties, Amalaki is a natural antioxidan­t that removes the impurities from the body. Amalaki is very rich in vitamin C and contains many minerals and vitamins like calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and vitamin B complex.

Guduchi (Giloy) is a universal herb that helps boost immunity level, maintainin­g homeostasi­s and preventing the diseases from causing any harm to the body. Giloy contains anti-ageing properties that reduce signs of aging.

Sesame seeds are a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as Calcium, magnesium, magnese zinc, copper, phosphorou­s, amino acid and many more.

Moringa leaves are rich in calcium. Moringa leaves contain four times the amount of calcium found in milk. Moringa contains many healthful compounds such as, betacarote­ne, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium and iron.

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