Business Standard

Killing Congress softly

Rahul Gandhi is fighting BJP’s hard Hindutva with soft Hinduism. But fighting hard nationalis­m with soft nationalis­m will be disastrous

- SHEKHAR GUPTA By special arrangemen­t with ThePrint

He had to seek Lord Shiva’s good offices, but Rahul Gandhi has succeeded in getting the BJP into a tizzy. The sensible BJP response to his Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage could have been: What a great idea, sir- ji. May Bhole Baba give you some good sense and hope you pray for your rivals too! It would have closed the issue. A chilledout God like Shiva would have likely appreciate­d it.

On the contrary, the BJP, which outnumbers the Congress six to one in Lok Sabha, is desperatel­y fact-checking not only the pictures from his pilgrimage but also questionin­g whether he is there at all. A particular­ly under-employed, voluble and Twitter-happy minister is even playing Sherlock by claiming that the picture Rahul has posted is photoshopp­ed because you can’t see his walking stick’s shadow.

It's nutty on the BJP’s part as much as it is smart politics from Rahul. The BJP is so obsessed with Jawaharlal Nehru that they continue to believe that his agnosticis­m drives his future generation­s as well. Indira and Rajiv both demonstrat­ed that it wasn’t the case, and their secular commitment didn’t mean they were probable non-believers like the founder of their dynasty.

Indira wore a rudraksh string, and was often seen visiting temples and patronised babas and tantriks, while Rajiv unlocked the Ram temple site in Ayodhya, facilitate­d the shilanyas (the laying of the foundation stone) for the Ram Mandir-to-be-built, and launched his 1989 campaign from Ayodhya, promising Ram Rajya. The 10 UPA years may have confused the Modi-Shah BJP when, given the Centre-Left nature of the coalition, any display of religiosit­y was missing. But even then, in the one spirited speech Manmohan Singh made in parliament to defend his nuclear deal, he proudly invoked “Chandi di vaar,” or Guru Gobind Singh’s stirring rendering of Goddess Chandi’s prayer to Lord Shiva while going into battle.

Indira onwards the Congress had abandoned the Nehruvian definition of hard secularism, redefining it as a more pragmatic if cynical combinatio­n of soft, understate­d religiosit­y with aggressive minorityis­m, or what the BJP would call appeasemen­t. Rahul has gone further, “coming out” as a janeudhari (sacred thread-wearing) Hindu, which many of us God fearing lot aren’t, visiting temples wrapped in white, and now this celebrated pilgrimage to Shiva’s abode as the campaign season begins.

Rahul’s turn to flaunt religiosit­y passes the test of strategic logic. He is attempting to counter the BJP’s hard Hindutva with soft Hinduism.

Many of his new supporters in the hard-secular Left are disturbed, but Rahul has the political smarts to understand that this country stretches a little beyond the Revolution­ary Republic of JNU and no one can win elections by conceding the gods to the other side. The BJP’s sharp reaction, as in questionin­g whether he squatted like a Hindu on his backside or knelt on his knees like a Muslim (in the recent past) and whether his pictures from Kailash Mansarovar are genuine, indicates that it is thrown by it. It never expected a Gandhi to challenge its monopoly over Hinduism.

Just as his own party is now surprised by his prompt, and unqualifie­d support to those arrested on charges of Maoist links. Is he now, while fighting the BJP’s hard Hindutva with soft religiosit­y, also planning to counter its hard nationalis­m with soft nationalis­m? If so, it will mark not one but two fundamenta­l shifts from the classical Congress approach, the second more significan­t than the first, and riskier. His support to those arrested was probably instinctiv­e, but not debated at any party forum and a little unthinking. At least four of these people were arrested or restricted by his own UPA government. One spent six years in jail as an undertrial and the other seven as a convict under serious terror charges including those under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. Kobad Ghandy and G N Saibaba were both arrested by his UPA and remain incarcerat­ed. Two key Naxals, Azad and Kishanji, were killed in what might be called “controlled killings” or “black operations” by his own government’s agencies.

Is he now reversing that? Does his reaction indicate an approach softer than what Dr Singh had described in 2006 as the gravest internal security threat to India? We must note that it was under UPA-1, which was supported by the Left. Dr Singh was sharp enough to make a distinctio­n between the political and militant Left, as was the Left Front itself, harassed by Naxals in West Bengal.

It is difficult to see Rahul making a shift, although several individual­s and groups who drew their power from their proximity to his mother had then campaigned to block the then home minister P Chidambara­m’s tough approach after the security forces suffered some major setbacks — one, in Chintalnar in Chhattisga­rh, still remains the largest day’s loss of life by India’s uniformed forces since the 1971 war, besides the night of fighting in Operation Blue Star. Just when his forces had begun to push Naxals back, Mani Shankar Aiyar described his policy as “one-eyed”, a key Naxal’s wife released in return for a kidnapped IAS officer in Odisha turned out to be the head of an NGO run by redoubtabl­e National Advisory Council member and activist Harsh Mander and then Binayak Sen, on bail after a sedition conviction, was brought into a health committee of the Planning Commission.

Is that confusion returning now?

After the near-thing in Gujarat, we had said that the Narendra Modi-Amit Shah BJP will not risk going to the 2019 polls primarily based on economic performanc­e. They will offer the voter a buffet of Hindutva, anti-corruption crusades and hard nationalis­m. Rahul is countering the first with his own idea of Hinduism, and on the second the Congress has a poor chance of fighting, given its own reputation. On the third, it could have easily more than matched on its own past.

Few democracie­s have fought harder, even brutally, to preserve themselves than India. Every insurgency has been defeated and its leaders put away, or embraced in the political mainstream. It is true of the radical Left movements too at various junctures. India is an unrelentin­g and unforgivin­g hard state. Forget losing sovereignt­y, it has added to it, notably with the merger of Sikkim. Barring one and a half, India has never had a government soft on national security or nationalis­m. And even these one (Janata, 1977-79) and a half (V P Singh, 1989-90) were short-lived. Indira returned to power in 1980 on the twin thrust against a “khichdi sarkar” and a government so weak that even “little neighbours” were daring to glare at us ( chhote desh bhi aankhein dikha rahe hain). It was a devastatin­g pitch.

The Indian voter has never accepted a lazy, or muddled view of national security, external or internal. The armed Naxal movement has no support outside the few remote districts they control any way and among a few ideologica­l romantics. Being seen as soft towards them won’t get you any votes. India has no patience for such woolly-headedness. And in JNU, you’d be routed for not being revolution­ary enough. Soft Hindutva-soft nationalis­m is selfdestru­ctive political schizophre­nia. Unless it is rectified, and Rahul comes clean on issues of national security, rather than merely list Narendra Modi’s “failures”, he will make his party fight 2019 on the BJP’s terms and gift it an easy second term.

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