Business Standard

No end to Jet’s free fall

The airline has been in a restructur­ing mode for the past five years with no signs of a turnaround and now faces a predicamen­t similar to that of Kingfisher a few years ago


With its second quarter loss expected to exceed ~20 billion and the total outstandin­g payment to vendors and suppliers estimated in the range of ~120 billion to ~80 billion sitting on its books, Jet’s present situation looks grimmer than ever. In fact, Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation’s (CAPA) September 2018 report on the Indian aviation scenario estimates that Jet will end this financial year with a loss of around of $500 million (~31.5 billion).

A Jet spokespers­on denied the outstandin­g payment figure, saying that it was “grossly incorrect”, but refused to divulge the actual number when questioned by Business Standard. However, industry sources maintained that the total liabilitie­s of the airline may be even higher.

Given the airline’s woes, the staff are jittery. Several senior pilots and cabin crew said that they were looking out for options. Pilots also said that they had told the management that they would stop flying post Diwali if some semblance of order was not brought into the way the airline was being run. As on October 27, the pilots received only 25 per cent of their previous month’s salary.

Pilots said that every month they were constantly worried about whether they would receive their salaries. “Flying is a stressful job as it is, and this cliff-hanger situation every month is not helping matters,” said a senior pilot.

A senior aviation analyst felt that there was little difference between Jet’s current predicamen­t and Kingfisher’s situation a few years back. “Jet Airways is already on life support,” he said, adding that when companies struggle to pay salaries and meet daily expenses, they have gone beyond the “vendor and lender stage”.

Industry veteran and former pilot Shakti Lumba put it pithily: “Naresh Goyal will have to either let go or let Jet go.” He added that the airline needs a much flatter management structure and needs to get rid of many vicepresid­ents and senior vice-presidents.

Industry analysts compared Jet’s situation to the one that SpiceJet found itself in four years ago. But sources pointed out that there were at least four other significan­t factors working against Jet.

First, they believe the political winds are not in its favour and that Jet is unlikely to be bailed out by the government. Whatever official sympathy there was for Jet Airways’ plight seems to be waning. While initially nobody in the government wanted to see the airline go under, the line of thinking now seems to be that the government cannot be expected to rescue a sinking private ship. “The government has Air India to worry about,” explained a source.

Second, unlike in 2014 when Ajay Singh stepped in to rescue SpiceJet, the external environmen­t is not favourable. Oil prices are on the rise and the rupee has weakened vis-avis the dollar. The adverse impact of this can be seen on the balance sheet of all airlines, including the best and the biggest. Last week, IndiGo too announced a ~6.53 billion loss for the second quarter.

Third, will Goyal be willing to do what Kalanithi Maran did in 2014 for SpiceJet? In other words, hand over his airline to someone for free to fix? “In a similar scenario in 2014, Singh took over all of SpiceJet’s losses and liabilitie­s but did not pay a rupee, or rather, he paid just one rupee. The question is, will Goyal agree to exit on similar terms,” asks an industry source.

Fourth, in the last few months, Jet’s credit rating and market capitalisa­tion have taken a severe beating. Industry sources said they could not think of anyone who would be ready to take on Jet’s liabilitie­s which far exceed the airline’s market capitalisa­tion. “The airline’s total outstandin­g and the amount needed to bring some semblance of normalcy in its operations is estimated at 10 times its current market cap. I don’t see anyone willing to invest that kind of money in the present environmen­t,” an analyst said.

Above all, sources pointed out that while SpiceJet had a structure that was “viable”, Jet Airways’ was largely “unviable” in an aviation environmen­t where few fliers were willing to pay a premium for a full-service carrier. Kapil Kaul, CEO of CAPA, said, “Jet Airways has been in restructur­ing mode for the last five years, but with little results. Despite improved productivi­ty and a cut in non-fuel cost, a financial turnaround has remained elusive.”

A rumour was going around last week that the Tatas could be interested in picking up a share in Jet. A senior government source was of the view that the Tatas could be interested in Jet’s domestic and internatio­nal market as it could give its own carrier Vistara a ready entry into them and a quicker path for growth. Jet’s domestic and internatio­nal market share are around 15 per cent and 13-14 per cent respective­ly. However, many argue that valuation would be a sticking point.

Industry sources said that under the circumstan­ces, Goyal’s options were quite limited. Jet’s present partner Etihad is not willing to offer any more lines of credit or invest any further in the airline. Goyal can try and convince someone else to invest in the carrier, but once again, the question is, at what price. Unless he manages to pull some sort of a last-minute rabbit out of his hat, for the first time in the airline’s 25-year history, a Jet Airways without Goyal is looking increasing­ly likely.

 ??  ?? Jet Airways’ business model is unviable in an aviation environmen­t where few fliers are willing to pay a premium for a full-service carrier
Jet Airways’ business model is unviable in an aviation environmen­t where few fliers are willing to pay a premium for a full-service carrier
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