Business Standard

‘We will claim 2nd or 3rd spot among superpower­s’


Perceived as an efficient minister, NITIN JAIRAM GADKARI, who holds charge of road transport, highways, water resources and Ganga cleaning department­s, spoke to Megha Manchanda on hits and misses of the last five years as well as on politics and ideology. Edited excerpts from a free-wheeling interview:

If it returns to power, what will the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have to offer to the people of this country?

We have proved that we have done more developmen­t in the last five years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi than what this country has seen in the last 50 years. Be it agricultur­e or rural reforms, Ujjwala or Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (affordable housing scheme), road infrastruc­ture or developmen­t of waterways. We have built a strong base for new India the PM had envisioned when he came to power. All these efforts are directed towards becoming a super economic power in the world. I believe that in the coming years, our exports will rise and we will claim the second or third spot amongst economic super powers of the world.

Which portfolio would you like for yourself?

It is the Prime Minister who decides the department­s for his ministers. Whichever department is given to me, I will work religiousl­y. That said, I feel solid and liquid waste management deserves a separate department as the sector offers business opportunit­y worth ~5 trillion.

What’s your view on Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s entry into politics?

In a democracy, every party has the right to bring new leaders to light. It is her right to enter politics and work hard for her party, which she is doing.

Coming to one of your core areas, what is the new deadline for completion of the Ganga cleaning project?

On Ganga cleaning, only 30 per cent of the work has been done so far. We have started new projects which will be completed in a year or two.

I have already set end of March 2020 as the new deadline for completing the Ganga cleaning project.


One of the many promises you made after taking charge in May 2014 was amendment of the Motor Vehicles Act for better road safety. It is still pending. Your thoughts?

Road safety is a subject very close to my heart but I could not get the Motor Vehicles Act passed as we don’t have a majority in the Rajya Sabha. I tried my level best to get the Act passed, but could not do it.

The Road Department’s prime project execution body — National Highways Authority of India—has seen five top changes in the last five years. Don’t you see the need for a stable leadership at NHAI?

I have no role to play in the selection or removal of NHAI chief as it is done by the Cabinet Secretaria­t and not by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Therefore, it is not proper on my part to comment on things which are not under my control.

Any other initiative where you could not meet the targets in the last five years?

I wanted to start a ferry services on river Yamuna from Delhi to Agra but couldn’t do it as the National Green Tribunal and the Ministry of Environmen­t did not give their approval.

You’ve been in the news recently. Nationalis­t Congress Party leader SharadPawa­r, who is also your friend, said he was worried for you after you made certain remarks ostensibly directed at senior leaders in the BJP. He had quipped such comments may dampen your prospects of becoming the PM if the need arises. Your comments?

I did not make any such comment. The media should introspect because I’ve been quoted out of context in many occasions. I stand by whatever I say but will not accept criticism for what I have not said. But I also feel that no one should be worried for me, I am capable of doing that myself. I believe that politics is an instrument of socio-economic reforms and I will work for the society and my country to the best of my ability.

How do you look at MrSharadPa­war as a politician?

I’m focused on my party, politics and ideology. I never worry about what my rivals say or do. I believe one should do one’s work positively.

You were also quoted as saying jo insaan apne parivar ka dhyaan rakh sakta hai woh desh ka dhyaan rakh sakta hai (someone who can take good care of his family can take care of the nation). Can you elaborate?

I feel media is spreading mischievou­s news these days. This was at a time when we were addressing party workers and one of the workers said he wanted to offer his life for serving the nation. Since he was all of 18 years old, I asked him to look after his family and then think about serving the nation. I did not take any individual’s name and hence misquoting me in news reports was not right. When I said winning and losing are part and parcel of the electoral process, the media reported I had blamed party president Amit Shah for BJP’s poor show in the elections. However, I stand by my remarks about Vijay Mallya when I said he should not be called a thief as he has a track record of paying taxes for 40 years.

The government is yet to come out with the number of casualties in relation to the Balakot strike. Why?

When we fight with Pakistan, we should fight as one nation and we should not politicize the issue. We all know Pakistan had sealed that area and no media, be it their own or the internatio­nal press, could enter that place.

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