Business Standard

A silent political killer

Unemployme­nt can become big and yet remain undetected. Its impact can be a critical vote swing


Is unemployme­nt going to be the silent political killer in this election? This must be our first question, as we limp back from heightened national security anxiety towards other regular concerns. Every available evidence points to this possibilit­y. But as of now, it is just a possibilit­y.

Let us begin with objective data.

The State of Working India, a report on jobs and joblessnes­s released in November 2018 by Centre for Sustainabl­e Employment at the Azim Premji University pretty much summarised the existing knowledge on this subject. We are shifting from a chronic but invisible and politicall­y manageable problem of underemplo­yment to an acute, felt and potentiall­y explosive problem of open unemployme­nt. The report estimated open unemployme­nt to be upward of 5 per cent, but well over 15 per cent among the youth and the educated. This pure form of unemployme­nt is in addition to precarious and underpaid employment, besides of course the old-style under-employment.

Since then, two more pieces of evidence have been made available in the public domain. The National Sample Survey Organisati­on’s (NSSO) Periodic Labour Force Survey report got leaked and showed that in 2018, unemployme­nt was at 6.1 per cent, the highest ever recorded since the organisati­on started measuring it in 1972. The report also confirmed that the situation had got much worse under the Modi regime. It indicated that the figure may have been much worse post-demonetisa­tion and that women workers were the worst victims of joblessnes­s. The latest report of reliable household surveys by the Centre for the Monitoring of Indian Economy (CMIE) estimates the unemployme­nt rate to be 6.9 per cent. CMIE estimates that as many as 11 million jobs were lost between December 2017 and December 2018.

These reliable data figures can be supplement­ed by umpteen ground reports and sectoral estimates. The All India Manufactur­ers’ Organisati­on (AIMO) has confirmed the loss of jobs. Reports of obscenely large number of applicants for a few public sector jobs appear regularly. The question is: Do people sense and feel this crisis of joblessnes­s?

Every single public opinion poll over the last two years has discovered unemployme­nt under the Modi regime to be the top issue that the people are concerned about. The credible CSDS Mood of the Nation survey found in May 2018 that 26 per cent of the respondent­s spontaneou­sly mentioned lack of jobs as the biggest problem in the country. This is nearly double of what comparable surveys by CSDS recorded earlier: Just 8 per cent in 2014, 13 per cent in 2009 and 12 per cent in 1996. Even post Balakot, a telephonic national representa­tive survey carried out by

India Today found as many as 36 per cent respondent­s mentioned joblessnes­s as the issue that would determine their vote, compared to 23 per cent who mentioned terrorism and 22 per cent who mentioned farm crisis. So, joblessnes­s is an issue, not just for economists, but also for the people.

Let us finally turn to Union minister Arun Jaitley’s question: If unemployme­nt is so acute, why are the people not taking it to the streets? The simple answer is: They are. Scan the news carefully and you would find every day some protest or the other on an issue related to jobs. In the last one month, there was a protest in Patna by students of Magadh University against a delay in their exam results, by engineers in Pune against being debarred from applying for the category of junior engineer, by candidates selected for UP Police but being denied an opportunit­y to join. Besides, how do you read massive agitations by Patidars in Gujarat, Marathas in Maharashtr­a, Kapus in Andhra and Jats in Haryana if not as movements triggered by job crisis? And there were smaller, but no less significan­t, national level protests organised under banners such as Young India Adhikar March and Yuva Halla Bol.

Yet, unemployme­nt does not enjoy as much visibility as farm distress nor does it generate partisan political battles as Rafale or other allegation­s of corruption do. Its victims experience it as a personal failure or misfortune, not as systemic injustice. They prefer private solutions over collective redress. Joblessnes­s spawns myriad reactions and protests. But it does not lend itself to nationwide mobilisati­on of its victims. There is no ready platform where to-be-unemployed students, unemployed aspirants for jobs, poorly employed contract workers and unemployab­le youth can come together. There is as yet no clear positive agenda that most groups and organisati­ons protesting against joblessnes­s subscribe to. That is why unemployme­nt is at once the most salient and the most silent political issue.

But in its silence lies the danger. Quietly, this issue can become big and yet remain undetected. It would just take one event, one imaginativ­e leader or one catchy promise to catapult this issue to the centre-stage. Its impact could catch the ruling party off-guard and lead to critical swing of votes and massive swing in political fortunes. That is what they call a silent killer.

The author is the national president of Swaraj India

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