Business Standard

Abstinence from the news



is not, strictly, a book that should be reviewed by a journalist. Yet Stop Reading the News: A Manifesto for a Happier, Calmer Life can by no means be described as irrelevant for any practition­er in the informatio­n industry, even if its premise is flawed. Rolf Dobelli is part of that growing breed of business profession­als: A self-help guru.

The reason Stop Reading the News gave me pause for thought is that it was endorsed —sort of —by Alan Rusbridger, former editor of The Guardian, a journalist I admire. In the opening chapter, Mr Dobelli describes how he arrived to speak, at Mr Rusbridger’s invitation, to Guardian journalist­s about his 2013 book, The Art of Thinking Clearly — or so he thought. Instead, Mr Rusbridger, then editor, asked him speak on an essay he had found on Mr Dobelli’s website, titled “The News is Bad For You”.

“The article Rusbridger had found on my website listed the most important arguments against consuming precisely what these internatio­nally respected profession­als spent their days producing: the news. …After twenty minutes, I’d reached the end of my argument, concluding with the words, ‘Let’s be honest: what you’re doing here, ladies and gentlemen, is basically entertainm­ent’.

“Silence, You could have heard a pin drop.”

At Mr Rusbridger’s direction, a condensed version of the essay was published on the newspaper’s website, and it maxed out the 450-comment limit. The clear-thinking Mr Dobelli saw this as an opportunit­y to write a book-length exposition of that essay.

I get why Mr Rusbridger thought the topic worth discussing. It provokes journalist­s and editors responsibl­e for the daily news on any medium to think about what they do, why they do it and who they’re doing it for.

The problem is that Mr Dobelli is writing from the point of view of a news junkie (he uses the term news newsaholic) and speaks with the fervour of a reformed rake. But most people aren’t obsessive about news, and, anyway, what’s wrong with being well informed, even if the informatio­n doesn’t impact you directly?

So why did he decide to go cold turkey on the news? A creeping recognitio­n of something akin to attention deficit disorder and growing anxiety (true, an evening spent watching our home minister fulminate in Parliament — he rarely speaks normally — gave me nightmares). Also, when he asked himself whether he understood the world better today and took better decisions from tens or thousands of hours spent consuming the news, the answer was no.

Then he describes the rehab programme he created on the fly and reports the results: “Today I’m ‘clean’. Since 2010 I’ve been entirely news-free, and I can see, feel and report first-hand the effects of this freedom: improved quality of life, clearer thinking, more valuable insights and vastly more time.”

Mr Dobelli does not prescribe informatio­n abstinence. He says he relies on other people to keep him up to date — friends, family and associates. This system failed him just once, when he arrived at the airport only to discover that all flights had been cancelled because Eyjafjalla­jökull in Iceland had erupted. He also recommends you read the quality weekly journals to get up to speed. The Economist is a favourite, and he says you can Google for stuff you want to know (but avoid all hyperlinks).

There is some validity to Mr Dobelli’s argument. Informatio­n overload is an acknowledg­ed psychologi­cal problem that has grown in direct proportion to the explosion of the internet. He is right to deplore the disintegra­tion of media corporatio­n ethics, but fails to spot the problem embedded in the emergence of the profit motive (Rupert Murdoch’s singular legacy to global journalism) in place of the earlier free-spending millionair­e owners.

He also deplores the fact that news corporatio­ns focus on “facts, facts and more facts”. Why this should be “marginalis­ing” or a problem at all is a mystery. He says most journalist­s cannot explain “causal relationsh­ips that shape cultural, intellectu­al, military, political and environmen­tal events are mostly invisible”. True; if they could they’d be champions of academia.

Most egregiousl­y, he says this is why “news corporatio­ns focus on the easy stuff: anecdotes, scandals, celebrity gossip and natural disasters”. This is a breath-taking generalisa­tion and it makes you wonder what just what Mr Dobelli was reading in his junkie days. You suspect it was exclusivel­y the masscircul­ation tabloids. Even if he had read The Guardian, he could have seen that this observatio­n is untrue, as much as it is for Financial Times, The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. I would even encourage him to read Business Standard. The real crisis in the media appears to have escaped Mr Dobelli, perhaps because he no longer reads the news. This is the rise of social media, fake news and the rank amorality of the entreprene­urs who own these platforms. There is an oblique reference to this in the penultimat­e chapter but it’s mostly linked to the dastardly money-making procliviti­es of the media giants.

Fake news can be created by any kook or gook — such as the President of the United States and trolls and bhakts — on social media platforms in a matter of minutes. The explosion of Twitter, Whatsapp and their ilk has raised anew the challenge for ethical media organisati­ons to produce credible, authentic informatio­n and analyses. If Mr Dobelli had devoted himself to social media abstinence, this would have been an unexceptio­nable book. Maybe, that’s the next subject on his to-do list.

 ??  ?? STOP READING THE NEWS: A Manifesto For a Happier, Calmer And Wiser Life Author:
Rolf Dobelli Publisher: Hachette
Price: ~399
Pages: 160
STOP READING THE NEWS: A Manifesto For a Happier, Calmer And Wiser Life Author: Rolf Dobelli Publisher: Hachette Price: ~399 Pages: 160
 ??  ??

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