Business Standard

West Asia’s new deal

Israel-uae agreement hardens political fault lines


The unexpected peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), brokered by the United States, finally removes the fig leaf on the reality of the relations between the Arab world and West Asia’s sole Zionist nation. Despite public difference­s on the Palestinia­n question, the two power blocs have collaborat­ed under the radar for decades — as far back as the 1960s, in fact — and Israel’s two major adversarie­s, Egypt and Jordan, extended formal recognitio­n in 1979 and 1984 respective­ly. It is widely recognised that the UAE is unlikely to have signed the resumption of full diplomatic relations without the implicit approval of Saudi Arabia. The expectatio­n now is that the Uae-israel deal will soon open the way for formal diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The fact that Israel has agreed to halt its annexation of Palestinia­n territory in the West Bank as a pre-requisite for the agreement even as the UAE did not insist that Jerusalem abandon that project offers a face-saving modus vivendi for both sides. This de facto repudiatio­n of the Palestinia­n’s 72-year quest for statehood in favour of closer alignment with a nuclear-armed client of the world’s sole superpower is driven by a common threat perception: Of Iran and that country’s nuclear ambitions. US President Donald Trump’s unilateral rejection of the Iran nuclear deal, negotiated by the Obama administra­tion, and the US withdrawal from Syria presented fresh geopolitic­al challenges for West Asian theocracie­s, and the Israel-uae deal is one response to them. The important point to note is that the polarisati­on between Sunni/zionist and Shia power blocs is now out into the open. It is unclear yet how this alignment will play out in a region where authoritar­ianism and terrorism make for toxic politics. Lebanon and the Iran-sponsored Hezbollah remain threats on Israel’s northern border. Questions also arise over Iraq, where a population almost equally divided between both denominati­ons has created renewed political instabilit­y.

The new West Asian alignments also simulate the split between US allies and a Russia/china axis, with the latter deepening its relations with Tehran since 2018. All of this, thus, adds complexiti­es to the decades of successful tight-rope walking that has characteri­sed Indian diplomacy in West Asia, which accounts for over 80 per cent of the country’s oil imports, and Israel, the biggest supplier of critical defence software. Indeed, it is significan­t that the Indian foreign minister was one of the first officials the UAE administra­tion called a day after the deal with Israel was announced. On its part, New Delhi has made all the right noises by openly welcoming the deal and offering unexceptio­nable remarks about promoting “peace, stability and developmen­t in West Asia” — even as the Ministry of External Affairs asserted that the deal would not affect India’s traditiona­l support for the Palestinia­n cause. It is a measure of the greater confidence that India enjoys in the region that Riyadh recently gave Air India overflight rights on the Delhi-tel Aviv route even as the Saudi-led Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n declined Pakistan’s request to hold a special session on India’s reading down of Article 370 in Jammu & Kashmir. The fact that India has been distancing itself from Iran, with whom relations have been fractious of late, after the US re-imposed sanctions, may have played its part in bolstering the Arab world’s confidence in New Delhi. Either way, West Asia is headed for more interestin­g times.

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