Business Standard

Rural Robin Hood

Sukhdev Kokrikalan ( 71)


While few can match the CPM’S mobilisati­on efforts, many in the CPM are in awe of how the BKU (Ugrahan) led the protests in Punjab, and later brought lakhs to Delhi from the state. While the most visible face of the BKU (Ugrahan) is Joginder Ugrahan, the union’s General Secretary Sukhdev Kokrikalan has played his part in getting the masses on board. Kokrikalan explains that the union’s history of fighting for the rights of those without a voice helped it gain universal support for the present protest. From protesting for teachers being paid reduced wages to ensuring release of farmers arrested for cheque bounce cases, or launching agitations for better civic facilities, Kokrikalan has built a big base for the BKU (Ugrahan) to tap into. “Since launching protests against Narasimha Rao’s decision to join the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) to this movement to repeal of draconian farm laws against PM Naredndra Modi, we have worked for vulnerable people, which has earned us their trust and respect. Even in villages where we do not have units or workers, people ask us for our flags and batches to protest under our banner. Many have joined us to be part of this movement voluntaril­y. They know that if these laws are not repealed, big corporates will turn Punjab’s proud farmers into landless computer operators.”

Kokrikalan says the union’s history of fighting for the rights of those without a voice helped it gain universal support for the present protest

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