Business Standard

Democrats blocked from including immigratio­n in $3.5-trillion package


The Senate parliament­arian has blocked Democrats from including a plan to provide legal status to as many as 8 million undocument­ed immigrants in the package of legislatio­n encompassi­ng US President Joe Biden’s economic agenda.

Parliament­arian Elizabeth Macdonough issued an opinion Sunday that the broad and long-stalled immigratio­n overhaul doesn’t qualify for inclusion in a massive tax and spending plan under the Senate rules that Democrats are using to bypass a Republican filibuster. The parliament­arian said the proposal by Democrats is a policy change that “substantia­lly outweighs” the budgetary impact of that change, effectivel­y finding it out of bounds under Senate rules. “It is by any standard a broad, new immigratio­n policy,” Macdonough wrote.

The Senate Democrats’ plan would have granted status to undocument­ed immigrants including young “Dreamers,” migrant farm workers, some immigrants deemed “essential workers” and others with temporary protected status.

The parliament­arian’s decision means that the immigratio­n proposal would require 60 votes rather than the simple majority allowed for the fasttrack procedure known as reconcilia­tion. The Senate is split 50-50 between the two parties, with Vice President Kamala Harris able to break ties, and the broad GOP opposition to the immigratio­n overhaul would doom it.

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