Business Standard

Google is now helping travellers go green


A global survey released in June laid bare the new expectatio­ns of travellers: Some 83 per cent of 29,000 respondent­s said they found sustainabl­e travel to be vital, with 61 per cent noting the pandemic has increased their interest in travelling sustainabl­y.

Half added that finding a hotel with actual eco credibilit­y isn’t easy — and they’re right. Hotels that take sustainabi­lity seriously don’t shout from the rooftops, while others tout themselves as green just for offering an option to skip daily laundering of linen.

The most significan­t new tool comes courtesy of Google. Starting on September 22, it will label hotels as “Ecocertifi­ed” in global search results, with a leaf-shaped icon next to the hotel’s name. Clicking on the “About” tab will detail the property’s specific sustainabi­lity practices, such as having water use audited by an independen­t organisati­on or using energy from carbon-free sources.

The new feature relies on 29 certificat­ion programmes to do the hard work of establishi­ng a hotel’s green credibilit­y; the property must have an array of sustainabi­lity measures audited by third-party experts. It’ll be up to hotel staff, rather than the search engine, to update hotel listings, using the free Google My Business Profile.

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