Business Standard

‘Apparel industry will surely benefit’


Will this Budget help India to stay ahead of global challenges?

In my sphere of activity, the apparel and fashion industry will surely benefit with impetus being provided to skill developmen­t and capacity building, which will help artisans, tailors and other workers in the manufactur­e of textile and garments.

Though an Interim Budget, we would have liked rationalis­ation of taxes for the salaried class to mitigate the impact of inflation, apart from measures to contain inflationa­ry trends and hit at the roots of poverty.

What is the best thing about the Budget?

Support for the growth of industry is indeed welcome. Infrastruc­ture — physical, digital and social — coupled with fostering research, innovation and technology augur well for the country.

Housing, particular­ly rural, and attention to women’s education and entreprene­urship as also loans will surely help in the developmen­t of the cottage and handloom sector. We are certain that Bharat will be impressive­ly visible the world over with Indian designs, crafts and fabrics becoming popular. We hope this Budget will act as a catalyst to impact Indian craftsmans­hip and design by holding exposition­s.

Will the Budget help make India the third-largest economy by 2030?

The economic growth journey of the last decade exhibits a trajectory indicative of registerin­g rapid and enhanced GDP, and this Budget is indicative of the same. Our economy is being looked at with interest and is attracting investment­s; and rapid developmen­t has been constantly visible. We in the fashion industry, in our small way, have been very well received when showcasing our creativity and designs. Comprehens­ive initiative­s with constantly increasing capital outlay, whether in the developmen­t of tourism, aviation or other economic activity, are certain enablers for us to take strides in becoming the third-largest economy. We expect this Budget will be supportive and nurturing for textile and fashion fraternity.

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