Business Standard

Up next: Bridging the gap for better access to islands

- AKSHARA SRIVASTAVA New Delhi, 1 February

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Interim Budget speech on Thursday announced that the Centre would take up developmen­t projects to improve facilities on the country’s islands, including Lakshadwee­p.

The FM said that projects for port connectivi­ty, tourism infrastruc­ture, and amenities would be taken up on the islands. The Lakshadwee­p islands had gained attention after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit last month. This will also help in generating employment, the finance minister said.

Long-term interest-free loans will be provided to states for financing the developmen­t of iconic tourist centres, and for branding and marketing them at a global scale, she said.

Going forward, a framework for rating the tourist centres based on the quality of facilities and services provided will also be establishe­d.

“The success of organising the G20 meet in 60 places presented the diversity of India to a global audience. Our economic strength has made the country an attractive destinatio­n for business and conference

tourism. Our middle class also aspires to travel and explore,” Sitharaman said. “Tourism, including spiritual tourism, has opportunit­ies for local entreprene­urship.

The recent consecrati­on ceremony at the Ram temple in Ayodhya drew attention to the potential that spiritual tourism holds. A recent Jefferies report had stated that the Ram temple has the potential of attracting 50 million tourists annually.

To aid this growth in the travel and tourism sector, the ministry of tourism has been allocated ~2,449.62 crore in Budget 2024.

“The commitment to bolster domestic tourism through initiative­s spanning rail and air travel, coupled with the emphasis on tourism-led destinatio­ns, particular­ly in the realm of island tourism and spiritual tourism, reflects a strategic vision for the longterm growth of the sector,” said Rajesh Magow, chief executive officer at Make My Trip.

“The allocation of interestfr­ee loans to states for the creation of iconic tourist destinatio­ns is noteworthy. The expansion of airports and the PM Gati Shakti programme are pivotal in enhancing connectivi­ty to previously unexplored regional gems,” he added.

 ?? ?? Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s promise to improve facilities on islands comes days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lakshadwee­p
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s promise to improve facilities on islands comes days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lakshadwee­p

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