Business Standard

Lockbit gang disrupted by global police operation

The hacker group had recently attacked MOFSL


Lockbit, a notorious cybercrime gang that holds its victims’ data to ransom, has been disrupted in a rare internatio­nal law enforcemen­t operation, the gang and US and UK authoritie­s said on Monday.

The operation was run by Britain National Crime Agency, the US Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion, Europol and a coalition of internatio­nal police agencies, according to a post on the gang extortion website.

“This site is now under the control of the National Crime Agency of the UK, working in close cooperatio­n with the FBI and the internatio­nal law enforcemen­t task force, Operation Cronos,” the post said. An NCA spokespers­on and a US Department of Justice spokespers­on confirmed that the agencies had disrupted the gang and said the operation was “ongoing and developing”.

Officials in the US, where Lockbit has hit more than 1,700 organisati­ons in nearly every industry from financial services and food to schools, transporta­tion and government department­s, have described the group as the world’s top ransomware threat. A representa­tive for Lockbit did not respond to messages from Reuters seeking comment but did post messages on an encrypted messaging app saying it had backup servers not affected by the law enforcemen­t action.the FBI did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

Two days ago, Motilal Oswal Financial Services (MOFSL) became victim of this gang, which claimed to have gained access to “confidenti­al data”,according to a report by Techcrunch. The attack potentiall­y risked the informatio­n of over six million clients of MOFSL and could also jeopardise company data for its other businesses, including asset management.

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