Business Standard

Israel’s Rafah deadline keeps UNSC occupied

Arabs put resolution for ceasefire to vote; US proposes another motion


The US proposed a UN Security Council resolution warning against an Israeli assault on Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and calling for a temporary cease-fire, according to a copy of the draft text seen by Bloomberg.

“Under current circumstan­ces a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displaceme­nt including potentiall­y into neighbouri­ng countries, which would have serious implicatio­ns for regional peace and security,” the draft says. “Such a major ground offensive should not proceed under current circumstan­ces.”the proposal follows previous signals from the US, which holds council veto power, that it would likely block a more forceful push from Algeria demanding an immediate humanitari­an cease-fire, saying this could jeopardise ongoing negotiatio­ns for a pause in the war. That vote could come as soon as Tuesday.

The US has so far been reluctant to back cease-fire proposals in the fourmonth old conflict, though it has tried to broker a deal under which Hamas would release hostages from Gaza in return for a pause in fighting.

Frustratio­n in the West and Arab states has grown with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has signaled he will move ahead with a fullscale

invasion of the city. The goal, he says, is to finish dismantlin­g the Hamas forces based there as well as free Israeli hostages.

Also, Arab nations are putting to a vote a UN resolution demanding an immediate humanitari­an cease-fire in Gaza, knowing it will be vetoed by the United States but hoping to show broad global support for ending the Israel-hamas war.

Rafah’s population has swelled from some 250,000 to more than 1 million as Palestinia­ns from across the territory have sought refuge there.

The UN’S Under-secretary-general for Humanitari­an Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinato­r Martin Griffiths said last week an invasion would be “catastroph­ic.”

Washington said Israel should not attack Rafah unless it allows civilians to leave first. Netanyahu has pledged that will happen, but it’s unclear how feasible that is. Rafah is close to Gaza’s border with Egypt, but Cairo has said it won’t take in Palestinia­n refugees en masse. And more northern parts of the Gaza Strip are largely destroyed or still active fighting zones.

 ?? PHOTO: AP ?? Palestinia­ns take cover after an Israeli strike on a residentia­l building in Rafah, on Monday. Israel has ordered new evacuation­s in northern Gaza, where the UN says 1 in 6 children is malnourish­ed
PHOTO: AP Palestinia­ns take cover after an Israeli strike on a residentia­l building in Rafah, on Monday. Israel has ordered new evacuation­s in northern Gaza, where the UN says 1 in 6 children is malnourish­ed

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