Business Standard

Indo-us defence summit kicks off


New Delhi, 20 February

A two-day bilateral defence cooperatio­n meeting, called the India-us Defence Accelerato­r Ecosystem (INDUS-X), kicked off in Delhi on Tuesday marking a significan­t milestone in collaborat­ion between the two countries in defence innovation.

Launched in June 2023 during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit to the US, INDUS-X has driven the expansion of bilateral ties in defence innovation.

While being initially greeted with little fanfare, this Us-india defence technology initiative could prove crucial for developing ways of deterring China.

For the two-day INDUS-X Summit, stakeholde­rs from both nations have converged in New Delhi to explore emerging opportunit­ies and chart the future trajectory of defence relations.

Organised by Innovation­s for Defence Excellence (IDEX) under the Ministry of Defence (MOD), and the US Department of Defence (DOD), in conjunctio­n with the Us-india Business Council (USIBC) and Society of Indian Defence Manufactur­ers (SIDM), the summit aims to drive strategic technology partnershi­ps and defence industrial cooperatio­n between India and the US.

There is much in common between the INDUS-X and a similar Us-india cooperatio­n initiative called the Defence Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI) that was put in place during the presidenci­es of George W Bush and Barack Obama.

Like the DTTI, the INDUS-X is breaking informatio­n silos, building networks of cooperatio­n and reducing bureaucrat­ic and regulatory friction between the two defence ministries.

Two Washington-based scholars of Us-india relations, Sameer Lalwani and Vikram J Singh, wrote last week that INDUS-X could become one of the most consequent­ial Usindia cooperatio­n frameworks in the days ahead.

Launched in June 2023 during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit to the US, INDUS-X has driven the expansion of bilateral ties

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