Business Standard

Locals on rolls: K’taka Inc bats for merit over politics


The Karnataka government’s decision to ask multinatio­nal companies (MNCS) in the state to disclose the number of Kannadigas (locals) employed there has faced criticism from industry veterans who prioritise meritocrac­y over politics.

“This move to compel companies to hire more locals is not advisable,” said Venkatrama­n Balakrishn­an, chairman of Exfinity Venture Partners and former Infosys board member. “Instead, the government should promote and incentivis­e companies to generate more high-end jobs with locals. The informatio­n technology (IT) industry is global, and such policies will not benefit the sector,” he added.

After the government tabled the Kannada Language Comprehens­ive Developmen­t (Amendment) Bill in the legislativ­e council earlier this week, Karnataka’s Minister of Kannada and Culture Shivaraj Tangadagi said MNCS must display the number of Kannadigas employed on notice boards on their campuses.

T V Mohandas Pai, chairman of Aarin Capital Partners and former Infosys board member, said this was a “misguided move”. “If the Karnataka government is genuinely interested in providing greater employment opportunit­ies for Kannadigas, it would be better to invest more in higher education and skill developmen­t, particular­ly for those from North Karnataka, where high-quality educationa­l institutio­ns are scarce,” said Pai. He added IT companies and MNCS in Karnataka hire based on objective tests and interviews. Karnataka is home to over 5,500 IT and Itenabled services companies and nearly 750 MNCS contributi­ng to over $58 billion in exports, providing direct employment to over 1.2 million profession­als and creating over 3.1 million indirect jobs, according to the Karnataka Economic Survey 2022–23.

Rituparna Chakrabort­y, cofounder of Teamlease, said, “We keep seeing these spurts of unreasonab­le protection­ist and populist moves at different points in various states. Any state economy not based on meritocrac­y cannot improve its gross domestic product or the per capita earnings of individual­s. However, that is completely ignored.”

 ?? ILLUSTRATI­ON: BINAY SINHA ?? Karnataka is home to over 5,500 IT and It-enabled services firms and nearly 750 MNCS, contributi­ng to over $58 billion in exports
ILLUSTRATI­ON: BINAY SINHA Karnataka is home to over 5,500 IT and It-enabled services firms and nearly 750 MNCS, contributi­ng to over $58 billion in exports

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