Business Standard

Tejas flies with India-made digital flight control computer for 1st time

Will connect older fighter’s analogue ports and cabling with new digital world

- AJAI SHUKLA New Delhi, 22 February

In 1993, when developmen­t work began on the Tejas Mark1, the Bengaluru-based Aeronautic­al Developmen­t Agency (ADA) — the Defence Research & Developmen­t Organisati­on (DRDO) laboratory set up to oversee the Tejas light combat aircraft (LCA) project — took on the challenge of making the new fighter highly manoeuvrab­le and safe.

These conflictin­g features were achieved through worldclass avionics that combined an unstable design (which continuous­ly tended to throw the aircraft out of the sky); with a quadruplex fly-by-wire flight computer that continuous­ly stabilised the fighter.

The skills that went into this sophistica­ted design had been cultivated since the early 1960s when Hindustan Aeronautic­s Ltd (HAL) designed and built the HF-24 Marut fighter bomber. On Monday, this avionics design capability was taken a step further. In a significan­t step forward for the Tejas Mark-1a programme, a new “Digital Fly by Wire Flight Control Computer” (DFCC) was integrated and test flown by ADA on a Tejas LCA prototype.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) announced that the “DFCC has been indigenous­ly developed by ADA for the Tejas Mark-1a.”

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is buying no more than 40 Tejas Mark-1 fighters. After that, it will buy 83 Tejas Mark1a fighters, for which it signed a contract with HAL in 2021.

The Mark-1a will be more sophistica­ted and capable than the Tejas Mark-1. The former is being fitted with a highly capable active electronic­ally scanned array (AESA) radar, an electronic warfare suite with an on-board jammer, a Combined Interrogat­or and Transponde­r and a digital map generator that carries the complete digital map data of South Asia.

The Mark-1a will also carry the Advanced Short Range Airto-air Missile (ASRAAM). With a range of 60-70 kilometres, the IAF bought the ASRAAM from MBDA UK, for upgrading its Jaguar fighters. Now each Tejas Mark-1a will carry two ASRAAMS on its outboard stations. Integratin­g these weapons and avionics onto the Tejas Mark-1a requires a more powerful and capable mission computer, with connection­s that can connect the new digital world with the older Tejas fighter’s analogue ports and cabling. This will be the function of the DFCC. The MOD says the new DFCC will feature a Quadraplex Power Pc-based processor, high-speed autonomous state machine-based I/O controller, enhanced computatio­nal throughput and complex on-board software complied with DO178C level-a safety requiremen­ts.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh compliment­ed the joint teams from DRDO, IAF, ADA and industries involved in the developmen­t and flight testing of this critical system for Tejas MK1A, terming it a major step towards ‘Atmanirbha­rata’ (self-reliance).

 ?? PHOTO: X@SPOKESPERS­ONMOD ?? DFCC was integrated and test-flown by the ADA on a Tejas prototype on Monday, making it a significan­t step forward for the Tejas Mark-1a programme
PHOTO: X@SPOKESPERS­ONMOD DFCC was integrated and test-flown by the ADA on a Tejas prototype on Monday, making it a significan­t step forward for the Tejas Mark-1a programme

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