Business Standard

Govt to construct over 12,000 km of highways in FY24


The overall highway constructi­on in the country would be around 12,00013,000 kilometres by the end of this financial year (FY24), a senior official at the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH) said here on Friday.

Anurag Jain, secretary MORTH said while the overall constructi­on is lower than what was targeted at the beginning of the financial year, the capacity augmentati­on and widening of existing highways to four lanes would touch a record high. The ministry had set a target of 13,800 km of road constructi­on for 2023-24.

Jain said the monthly road constructi­on is showing positive signs despite extended monsoons. He said a stricter review process of the projects, and follow-up meetings with the state government­s might have slowed down the constructi­on but has improved the quality of the roads across the country. “Since December 2023, the pick-up in constructi­on happened which is now evident in January. Like every year, these last three months will witness bulk constructi­on. We are expecting close to 4,500-5,000 km of constructi­on in these two months (Februaryma­rch, 2024),” Jain said.

He said in an optimistic scenario, it can touch 13,300 kms but the model code of conduct before the general elections might also impact the overall constructi­on activity.

“This is the year we will have the highest ever four-lane and high-speed access control road constructi­on. So even if the total constructi­on is not the highest ever, the quality of the roads if you measure in terms of widening and speed, this is the highest ever,” Jain said.

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