Business Standard

State to rake in ~80K cr via solar energy push


The Uttar Pradesh government has set an ambitious target of producing 22,000 megawatt (Mw) through a slew of solar energy projects by 2027, a move that is expected to rake in investment­s to the tune of ~80,000 crore.

The Yogi Adityanath government is planning installati­ons of rooftop solar plants and solar parks to achieve this target.

The micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSME) sector will harness 12,000 acres, with industrial units located in notified hubs for solar energy generation.

“These hubs come under the jurisdicti­on of UP State Industrial Developmen­t Authority (UPSIDA). The process of installing rooftop solar power plants has begun in 15 industrial areas of the state, including Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Greater Noida,” MSME chamber Indian Industries Associatio­n national president Neeraj Singhal said.

On an average, ~4 crore is being invested to create a MW of solar power capacity, which translates to more than ~80,000 crore for the targeted 22,000 MW in UP, he said, adding that the clean energy value chain would have a multiplier effect on the state’s economy.

“Solar energy will result in savings in energy consumptio­n bills of industry. This will improve operating margins and make industry more competitiv­e apart from contributi­ng to achieving the Net Zero goal of India,” he said. At present, Uttar Pradesh generates more than 2,100 MW of solar energy, with the arid Bundelkhan­d region contributi­ng 60 per cent. Energy minister A K Sharma has directed officials to align the state’s energy blueprint with the $-trillion economy target since energy demand will rise concurrent­ly with the pace of economic and industrial developmen­t. Solar parks totaling 3,630 Mw are being set up in the state in addition to developing a 4,000 Mw green energy corridor in Bundelkhan­d. “Projects totaling ~16,000 crore are in progress for improving the basic infrastruc­ture of the state’s power sector,” Sharma said.

 ?? ?? UP is planning to install rooftop solar plants and solar parks to achieve the target
UP is planning to install rooftop solar plants and solar parks to achieve the target

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