Business Standard

Wipro’s health care deals get an AI booster shot


Informatio­n technology (IT) giant Wipro has a strong pipeline of large artificial intelligen­ce (Ai)-led deals in the health care vertical, according to a senior company executive.

Health care stands as the thirdlarge­st vertical for Wipro, contributi­ng roughly 14 per cent to the company’s overall revenue.

Moreover, while most other verticals reported negative growth, health care demonstrat­ed robust growth of 9.9 per cent year-on-year and 7.5 per cent quarter-on-quarter in constant currency during the October-december quarter. “Wipro’s deal pipeline across payers and providers is fuelled by the accelerate­d adoption of AI and automation, Cloud computing, and data and analytics on the Cloud. Wipro’s health care business platforms are steering a pipeline of large and medium-sized business transforma­tions. Large deals, committed to business transforma­tion and delivering value through AI, automation, and platform modernisat­ion, are in the pipeline,” said Anuj Kumar, vice-president, health care, Wipro, to Business Standard.

Ai-led digital transforma­tion initiative­s of clients, coupled with the adoption of emerging technologi­es, are the key growth drivers for Wipro in the health care sector.

“AI and automation-led transforma­tion of end-to-end business operations and IT systems modernisat­ion and accelerati­ng adoption of generative AI (GENAI) and Cloud computing to provide data insights for better patient care and cost of care management,” Kumar said.

Wipro’s AI and automation-enabled business platforms in the US government health care sector enabled payers to improve member experience and operationa­l efficiency, driving high membership growth.

Wipro assisted five US health care payers in deploying over 60 attended and unattended bots across claims, billing, enrolment, and provider management. This contact centre transforma­tion using Ai/machine learning bots helped the payer achieve a 33 per cent cost reduction and higher response rates, Kumar said.

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