Business Standard

Drop in onion, potato output; tomato slightly up: Govt data


Onion and potato production is expected to be down in the 2023-24 crop year, while the tomato output could be marginally higher, the Department of Agricultur­e’s first advance estimates of horticultu­ral output released on Thursday showed.

“Production of onion in 2023-24 is expected to be around 25.47 million tonnes compared to around 30.20 million tonnes last year due to a decrease of 3.43 million tonnes in Maharashtr­a, 0.99 million tonnes in Karnataka, 0.35 million tonnes in Andhra Pradesh and 0.31 million tonnes in Rajasthan," the official statement by the department of agricultur­e said. However, these numbers are subject to change as these are preliminar­y estimates. The decline in onion production in 2023-24 is 16 per cent compared to the previous year.

Onion production stood at 31.68 million tonnes in 2021-22, according to government data. The Centre has banned exports of onions to control prices in the domestic market.

Potato production in 2023-24 is expected to be around 58.99 million tonnes compared to around 60.14 million tonnes in the previous year.

This is attributed to a decrease in the output in West Bengal, one of the main growing states in the previous year.

Tomato production in 2023-24 is estimated to be 20.81 million tonnes, according to the first advanced estimate, which is marginally more than 20.42 million tonnes in the previous year.

The Department of Agricultur­e released the final estimates in 2022-23 and the first advance estimates of 202324 of the area and production of various horticultu­ral crops compiled on the informatio­n received from states ,, and other government­al agencies.

Overall, horticultu­re crops output in 2023-24 is seen flat at 355 million tonnes. Last year, horticultu­re production stood at 355.48 million tonnes.

The vegetable production in 2023-24 is estimated to be around 209.39 million tonnes, which is 1.5 per cent less than the previous year, while fruit production is estimated to be around 112.08 million tonnes, 1.7 per cent more than the previous year.

In vegetables, the statement showed that an increase is expected in the production of cabbage, cauliflowe­r, pumpkin, tapioca, tomato, and other vegetables in 2023-24.

In fruits, the overall increase is due to an increase in the production of bananas, mandarin, and mango.

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