Business Standard

Inter-ministeria­l panel pitches for higher tax on coal imports


An inter-ministeria­l committee (IMC) led by the coal ministry on Thursday suggested that GST compensati­on cess should be imposed on an “ad valorem” (according to value) basis so that it is directly related to the price and quantity of coal, instead of a flat rate of ~400 per tonne.

The report, released by Union Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi, notes that there should be a higher cess on imported coal than on domestic to slash shipments of the polluting fuel.

The report titled ‘Strategy Paper on Coal Import Substituti­on’ said the current GST compensati­on cess is at a fixed rate of ~400 per unit. GST compensati­on cess is based on tonnage and not on the gross calorific value (GCV) of coal. The imported coal has a high GCV value (5000-6000 Kcal) in comparison to domestical­ly supplied coal (3000-3500 Kcal), the tax incidence on imported coal on a per kilocalori­e (Kcal) basis is less in comparison to domestic coal, the report said.

“GST compensati­on cess may be imposed on ad-valorem basis wherein the cess would be directly related to the price and quantity of the coal, instead of the present levy of a fixed amount of ~400 per tonne,” the report noted.

During the financial year (FY22), the GST compensati­on cess collected on the import of coal was around ~8,359.15 crore against the total import value of ~ 2,287,42.44 crore. During the same period, GST compensati­on cess collected on domestic coal (CIL & SCCL) was around ~29,096.8 crore against the approximat­e value of ~1,172,51.40 crore, according to the report. According to the committee, the cess is increasing the price of electricit­y by around ~0.24 per unit.

GST compensati­on cess is levied on coal production. It was earlier called coal cess and the proceeds from the cess were accumulate­d into the National Clean Energy Fund which was disbursed for green energy projects. It was subsumed under the GST umbrella after it was launched in 2017.

“Imposition of GST compensati­on cess on ad-valorem basis would also give the benefit of any future increase in the price of coal to the exchequer. The appropriat­e percentage of GST compensati­on cess on coal may accordingl­y be decided so that the same can be revenue neutral and there is no loss to the exchequer,” said the report.

Among other suggestion­s for reducing the import of coal are building a multi-modal logistics network for the transport of coal and more coal-washing facilities, especially for non-power consumers.

 ?? ?? IMC suggested that GST compensati­on cess should be imposed on an ‘ad valorem’ basis
IMC suggested that GST compensati­on cess should be imposed on an ‘ad valorem’ basis

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