Business Standard

GENAI inside: Personal computers get better

Technology will help people be more productive, open a new era of collaborat­ion

- IPSITA DASGUPTA The writer is senior vice-president & managing director, HP India

Discussion­s around generative artificial intelligen­ce (GENAI) swing back and forth between the excitement about the opportunit­y it offers to humans and the various threats that accompany its adoption. Trust becomes central to the positive use of AI and to capture its full potential. So far, most people are exposed to GENAI through web browsers and Cloud, experienci­ng the reliabilit­y, speed and privacy challenges that come with any online-only, open-access and corporate-owned platforms.

AI will change the role of personal computers (PC) as dramatical­ly and fundamenta­lly as the internet did, redefining what a PC is and does. The AI PC will empower more people to become creators of technology, rather than just consumers of it. AI is going to put the ‘personal’ back in the personal computer, customisin­g experience in ways that we have never experience­d before.

Put GENAI on a PC and users can get all the benefits without the drawbacks. AI is emerging from the shadows – it now largely operates in the background by quietly automating processes, improving performanc­e and changing how humans interface with technology through natural language and conversati­on – and the need for internatio­nal cooperatio­n is becoming essential, especially regarding regulation. How one operates GENAI in a safe, secure and trustworth­y environmen­t becomes critical. The reinventio­n of the PC as a safe companion of humanity in this GENAI journey is going to be one of the most remarkable accompanyi­ng transforma­tions, like what mobile telephony did for the telecom consumer in India.

AI PC will open a new era of collaborat­ion, work automation and ways of connecting with the world around you. This new PC will provide more power to businesses to optimise their workflows and workplace efficiency. The initial deployment of Ai-capable PCS in business settings targets various profession­als, including those in research and developmen­t, developers, engineers, data analysts and artists. These early adopters stand to benefit from the enhanced processing power of Ai-enabled PCS, particular­ly for specific tasks.

For instance, the process of identifyin­g patterns and trends for data analysts could become significan­tly easier. Designers can provide rough sketches to AI, which can then build and iterate. Scientists will experience faster processing of complex models since data doesn’t need to travel to the Cloud and back. Developers and data analysts can use the AI capabiliti­es of their PCS to swiftly identify trends in their data while being confident about the security of their informatio­n, which won’t leave for external servers.

The capabiliti­es of the Indian informatio­n technology (IT) sector need no validation. We are hearing of the strong intent of IT software leaders to upskill their employees in AI and prepare their teams for the future. But the larger advantage of generative AI would be for millions of young Indian creators and freelance workers to unleash their creativity. The support of Ai-powered PCS can make content creation easier and significan­tly improve audiovideo quality and engagement with audiences during live sessions.

AI PCS will enable greater privacy and data security by offering applicatio­ns the ability to reduce the risks associated with moving data to the Cloud. It will therefore be even more vital that organisati­ons invest in advanced endpoint security.

I have never been as excited about the future of personal computing as I am now. With the right ethical and strategic approach, the AI PC revolution – its ability to make us more productive in how we work, live, play and enhance our ability to create and generate content – will be phenomenal.

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